@stux According to #MeowTalk, the first cat is saying "I'm calling you." "Where's my mom/dad/human?"
According to MeowTalk, many of the cats are saying "I see prey". One of the three cats by the windows says "I love you."
I'm aware the notion of a cat translate app is insane.
Did My Cat Just Hit On Me? An Adventure in Pet Translation - Entrepreneurs are aiming to put A.I.-powered pet translation tools into our pockets. - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/29/science/cats-pets-ommunication-artificial-intelligence.html #artificialintelligence #languageandlanguages #mobileapplications #your-feed-science #animalcognition #animalbehavior #meowtalk #animals #pets #cats
#cats #pets #animals #meowtalk #animalbehavior #animalcognition #your #mobileapplications #languageandlanguages #artificialintelligence