Hey #fedilz, suche ein paar (wenige) #MEP's von #Grundschule|n... evtl. Öffentlich einsehbar oder gerne auch per DM oder Mail.
#womanlifefreedom #Femmes #Iran #photography #photographies #paris
À la Maison Européenne de la Photographie.
Samedi 16.09.2023
14h - 18h30
"Artists for Woman Life Freedom"
Une journée en mémoire de #MahsaAmini
La MEP propose une journée spéciale consacrée aux questions liées à la situation des femmes en Iran, en partenariat avec l’association Artists for Women Life Freedom.
Une réflexion à travers les regards des artistes avec un programme de projections et de rencontres.
#MEP, 5/7 rue de Fourcy 75004 Paris
#WomanLifeFreedom #femmes #iran #photography #photographies #paris #mahsaamini #mep
À la Maison Européenne de la Photographie.
Samedi 16.09.2023
14h - 18h30
"Artists for Woman Life Freedom"
Une journée en mémoire de Mahsa Amini
La MEP propose une journée spéciale consacrée aux questions liées à la situation des femmes en Iran, en partenariat avec l’association Artists for Women Life Freedom.
Une réflexion à travers les regards des artistes avec un programme de projections et de rencontres.
#MEP, 5/7 rue de Fourcy 75004 Paris
Heute sind wieder überall in #bawü Gewitter vorhergesagt.
Bin gespannt was passiert 😉.
#bawu #hagelabwehr #hagel #edds #stuttgart #mep #Aviation
Some more impressions of the today's #cloudseeding #flight.
#cloudseeding #flight #Aviation #specialops #spo #mep #weathermodification
Carles Puigdemont, the Catalan exile who holds the key to the Spanish government.
Prosecuted for declaring Catalonia's independence in 2017, the Brussels-based MEP controls the fate of Socialist Pedro Sánchez, who hopes to form a new government. Puigdemont has already set out the conditions for his highly unlikely support.
#Spain #Catalonia #Puigdemont #MEP #Politics #PSOE #PedroSanchez
#pedrosanchez #psoe #Politics #mep #puigdemont #catalonia #spain
@MrMST Ich liebe #Hashtags mit mehreren Bedeutungen, die einen aus der eigenen #Blase katapultieren. #MEP ist natürlich "Member of the European Parliament". Und "Multi-Engine Piston"
#europeanparliament #multiengine #piston
#piston #multiengine #europeanparliament #mep #blase #hashtags
Ein paar #Schnappschüsse während des heutigen Prüfungsfluges aufgenommen. War ein tolles VFR/IFR Wetter 👍.
#partenavia #mep #checking #training #Aviation #Schnappschüsse
How a fascist dictator's descendant became an LGBTQ+ advocate.
In a career full of contradictions, Alessandra Mussolini has yet to disappoint, as the former arch-conservative has experienced a conversion of sorts: she has recently become an impassioned supporter of LGBTQ+ rights, speaking out on TV and social media to defend Pride and same-sex families against attacks from Italy's current conservative government.
#lgbtq #Fascism #mep #alessandramussolini #Italy
#STT on pereannut Teuvo Hakkaraisen puheenvuoroja europarlamentissa läpi.
Hyvä muistaa tässä kohtaa, ettei #Hakkarainen ole ollut järin aktiivinen, vaan esim. viettänyt paljon aikaa kokonaan toisessa maanosassa silloisen kultunsa kanssa.
#persut #äärioikeisto #rasismi #salaliittoteoria #paskapuhetta #EU #europarlamentti #mep #meppi #mepit #politiikka #yhteiskunta #hallitus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus
#stt #hakkarainen #persut #aarioikeisto #rasismi #salaliittoteoria #paskapuhetta #eu #europarlamentti #mep #meppi #mepit #politiikka #yhteiskunta #hallitus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus
CALL TO ACTION: There will soon be voting (July 19) regarding the #EU #CRA that may affect the #OSS community, please email your #MEP See https://github.blog/2023-07-12-no-cyber-resilience-without-open-source-sustainability/
An excellent article about the #EU European Commission's #GMO #deregulation proposal, by the journalist, former #MEP, and expert on GMOs Benedikt Haerlin
#GM #GeneEditing #CRISPR #CRISPRcas9 #PrecautionaryPrinciple #food #ethics #PublicHealth
#publichealth #ethics #food #precautionaryprinciple #crisprcas9 #crispr #geneediting #gm #mep #deregulation #gmo #eu
Some personal news: discovered the Mastodon block button thanks to vatnik #MEP Mick Wallace. The only genuinely useful purpose he's ever served.
When it comes to terpenoids, sesterterpenes remain a mystery, despite their wide distribution in the #plant kingdom. Ma et al. describe a new #regulatory mechanism of the #plastidial #terpenoid network in #Arabidopsis.
#JIPB #PlantSci #MEP #PlantScience
#plant #regulatory #plastidial #terpenoid #arabidopsis #JIPB #plantsci #mep #plantscience
CIBSE and the product team from Trimble MEP have developed the Software Verification Assessment program that can reliably test whether BIM software calculations are correct and follow CIBSE guidance.
#contech #MEP #BIM #aecbusiness https://www.pbctoday.co.uk/news/digital-construction/construction-software/do-you-trust-mechanical-calculations-generated-your-bim-software/128044/
#contech #mep #bim #aecbusiness
Alcuni eurodeputati vogliono spazzare via l'IPTV pirata
#IPTV #commissioneeuropea #URSULAVONDERLEYEN #pirateria #MEP #streaming #eurodeputati #pezzotto
#iptv #commissioneeuropea #ursulavonderleyen #pirateria #mep #streaming #eurodeputati #pezzotto
If you prefer following some actual EU parliamentarians, here are a couple #MEP I know are on Mastodon: