#DidYouKnow: The #Mercator #Projection is a cylindrical map projection presented by Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569.
It became the standard map projection for navigation because it is unique in representing north as up and south as down everywhere while preserving local directions and shapes.
#projection #mercator #didyouknow
This site is really fun :)
(Also, turns out NZ is nowhere near the same size as the UK, as is often said. Waaaay bigger. Indeed, generally bigger than even I’d realised…)
#gis #scale #mercator #projection
RT @JohannesHUhl1@twitter.com
Animating #map distortions: Transverse #Mercator #projection of each #UTM zone applied to the globe. Made in #python using #pyproj, #geopandas, #shapely, #matplotlib, and #PIL. #cartography #geospatial #geoviz #dataviz #gischat #gis #geopython #geovisualization #mapping
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JohannesHUhl1/status/1611885483252142081
#map #mercator #projection #utm #python #pyproj #geopandas #shapely #matplotlib #PIL #cartography #geospatial #geoviz #dataviz #gischat #gis #geopython #geovisualization #mapping
I'm still fascinated how bad the #Mercator projection shows the world
#maps #mapaddict #map
#Map #mapaddict #Maps #mercator
Une histoire de la cartographie avec Olivier Plessis, c'est dans 2 heures à la bibliothèque Mériadeck à Bordeaux
#cartes #mercator #osm #bordeaux
#bordeaux #osm #mercator #cartes
Useful reminder. Though it is equally useful to remind readers that these #mercator projection #maps are not a reflection of #Eurocentrism: they were designed primarily for navigation purposes, thus not at all intended as a realistic representation of actual space
#mercator #maps #eurocentrism #mapping #cartography
@conradhackett it might be interesting for someone in the field to take the #Mercator approach but use two entirely different opposing points on the globe to treat as poles. Perhaps points along the equator intersected by the Prime Meridian / Anti Meridian? (Which is itself not without its white-favoring political history)
This map by Neil Kaye, true size vs #Mercator projection, was a disorienting revelation in my quest to figure out how #EarthSystem|s work and how they evolved in the past 6Ma or so, since the #Pliocene . Staying aware of how small the land mass in the Northern Hemisphere really is is nigh impossible and contrarian to its importance to weather and climate. Just look at tiny Greenland...!
I wonder how a true-size 2D-version for oceans and landmass would look and feel?
#mercator #earthsystem #pliocene
RT @PIK_Klima@twitter.com
Klimapolitische Heißzeit: "Die Klimapolitik wird die kommende Dekade prägen", so PIK Direktor Ottmar #Edenhofer im zweiten Teil seiner #Mercator @unidue@twitter.com Vorlesung zu den Themen #Klima, #Krieg und #Demokratie.
Hier nachschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6xpO8Cd6Hw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PIK_Klima/status/1596133666333536256
#edenhofer #mercator #klima #krieg #demokratie
Ok, I'm bringing over one of my favorite tweets in what might be the birdsite's final days.
Why are animals bigger in cold climates? They're not. They only seem larger due to the #Mercator projection.
#ecology #mapjokes #badanswers #mercator
Over the past few decades, globe projections, especially the ubiquitous #Mercator cylindrical projection, have been criticized for their Eurocentrism. The Mercator projection, in particular, distorts the relative size of the continents, dramatically shrinking Africa and South America and making Europe, North America, Australia, and particularly Greenland appear much larger than they actually are. #Maps #colonialism
RT @selenebordeaux@twitter.com
Et si on jouait à #MonBleddansMercator ?
Votre ville figure-t-elle dans l'Atlas de #Mercator de 1628 ?
A feuilleter ici : https://bit.ly/3tfPg4x
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/selenebordeaux/status/1590231272781029376
#MercrediCarto #ExpoMercator #MonBleddansMercator #mercator
Je viens de retrouver quelque chose que j'avais vu il y a longtemps (il y a 20 ans, merci Batien!) et que j'avais cherché en vain, une #carte du monde autrement, pour faire réfléchir et se placer différemment sur notre planète:
**Carte pour une Terre solidaire**, éditée par CCFD Terre Solidaire.
Pour sortir de cette vilaine projection de #mercator qui est devenue la norme... et voir le monde autrement!😉
#carte #mercator #ccfd #cartographie #pédagogie #cartes #map #maps
This proves again why the
Mercator projection that is actually used is racist. Because it enlarges the northern hemisphere and makes the Global South relativity smaller, and therefore in peoples mind less important.
#racism #Mercator #geography
RT @MapPornTweet
The world map if the mercator projection north extreme point was placed near #Hawaii https://redd.it/b5n0o2 #MapPorn
#mapporn #hawaii #geography #mercator #racism
RT @lecartographe@twitter.com
Ah ce sacré #Mercator !
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lecartographe/status/1467196981923786762
Arc on surface, yes, but in these cases it would make much difference.
Its the way we flatten the globe out using #Mercator Projection. If you study #GIS you'll see there are many ways to project the spherical surface of #earth onto a 2D plane/#map. All have their pros and cons.
To quote a great comedic document…
> "Look what these #mapMakers tell us? This, this and this??? They have played us for #absoluteFools!!!"
#mercator #gis #earth #mapMakers #absoluteFools
Studie Open Education Server an #Schulen, Uni #Bern mit CH Open & Stiftung #Mercator. Lesenswert (erfreulich oder ernüchternd?): Bedarfsabklärung und Machbarkeitsstudie Open Education Server 2.0 #OES2.0 bspw. #univention UCS@school o. ä. PDF: https://www.ch-open.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Schlussbericht_OpenEducationServer2.0_Sep21.pdf #OES #unibern #education #bildung #OpenEducationServer #schule
#schule #OpenEducationServer #bildung #education #unibern #oes #univention #OES2 #mercator #bern #schulen