7 Satya CPO John Lloyd to join Mercer, Marsh McLennan and other industry experts for the next #MMChats #MercerChats on Twitter during the World Economic Forum. #WEF
Join our CPO @jlloyd4 on Twitter Nov 29 at 10:00 AM ET for a #MercerChats discussing whats ahead for private markets and how to invest with an impact lens.
#mercerchats #impactinvesting #sustainablefinance #finance #esg
RT @guzmand@twitter.com
A3. Let’s lean into “the role model effect” for senior roles. We need to increase numbers of #women in these positions in the labour market. Worth reading from @wef@twitter.com https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2020-report-100-years-pay-equality #wef20 #mercerchats #WomenInSTEM #jobs #skills
#women #WEF20 #mercerchats #womeninstem #jobs #skills