The trick is to not produce vast .

Real can work. Its just persistently undermined by the and well-lubricated , and , with connections the and .

There was a time when these people were killed, in and , if memory serves. We are not properly equipped to handle the problem today.

#inequalities #thinktanks #democracy #publicrelations #legacymedia #lobbyists #centralBanks #merchantBanks #russia #france #inequality #dotcons #kpmg #macquarie #PropertyCouncil #Deloitte #BusinessCouncil

Last updated 3 years ago


> Banks don't buy...

The and corrupt everything they touch. And they touch alot of stuff.

: "When becomes a way of life for a in a , they create for themselves a that authorises it, and a that glorifies it." One cannot underestimate this. The and that has gutted over the past century was funded by , including theā€¦(1/3)

#merchantBanks #centralBanks #FredericBastiat #plunder #groupOfMen #society #legalCode #moralCode #overdevelopment #gentrification #communities #bankers

Last updated 4 years ago

Strypey, see how you're describing how MMT is being - manipulated by the current oligarchy?

No, not only (FRB) but .

Yes you have the central banks that print money for the billionaireClass. Under them the , , etc who're part of the b'class and . And then under that the banks that just do the FRB stuff.

All of them are insidious, out of control.

Kids might attack it.

#politicised #fractionalReserveBanking #centralBanking #merchantBanks #venturecapital #hedgeFunds #epsteinClass

Last updated 5 years ago