@ZDF macht sich zum Handlanger der Klimazweifler unter dem Anschein von Wissenschaftlichkeit. Geht's bei Euch noch? #MerchantsOfDoubt
PS: Ich hoffe, dass für Euren Metereologen Douglas Maraun wenigstens ein kleiner Bonus oder eine Beförderung dafür drin war, seinen Ruf für solche ge-frame-ten Propaganda-"Nachrichten" zu beschädigen.
"ZDFheute: Welche Rolle hat der Klimawandel wirklich? "
Must be something up with the instance you're on perhaps. I find that happens when the server is swamped.
Anyways, it's playing when I click on it, idk. You can just search in YouTube for #MerchantsOfDoubt
A textbook case of @naomioreskes and @erikconway's #MerchantsofDoubt thesis:
Revealed: The secret push to bury a weedkiller’s link to Parkinson’s disease
Internal documents from chemical giant Syngenta reveal tactics to sponsor sympathetic scientific papers and mislead regulators about unfavorable research
#pesticides #environment #capitalism #paraquat @TheGuardian_us
#merchantsofdoubt #pesticides #environment #capitalism #paraquat
"It is important to note that no government has said COVID-19 has gone away and that we can resume unmitigated social interactions facing the same risks we did in 2019. Instead, official messaging has centered around the idea of individual responsibility, that we should each engage in our own assessment of the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This feels a little like government smoking policy in the 1950s;"
#smoking #cancer #MerchantsOfDoubt #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #WEF #JohnSnowProject #corona #propaganda
#smoking #cancer #merchantsofdoubt #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #wef #johnsnowproject #corona #propaganda
"It is important to note that no government has said COVID-19 has gone away and that we can resume unmitigated social interactions facing the same risks we did in 2019. Instead, official messaging has centered around the idea of individual responsibility, that we should each engage in our own assessment of the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This feels a little like government smoking policy in the 1950s;"
#smoking #cancer #MerchantsOfDoubt #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #WEF #JohnSnowProject #corona #propaganda
#smoking #cancer #merchantsofdoubt #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #wef #johnsnowproject #corona #propaganda
"It is important to note that no government has said COVID-19 has gone away and that we can resume unmitigated social interactions facing the same risks we did in 2019. Instead, official messaging has centered around the idea of individual responsibility, that we should each engage in our own assessment of the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This feels a little like government smoking policy in the 1950s;"
#smoking #cancer #MerchantsOfDoubt #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #WEF #JohnSnowProject #corona #propaganda
#smoking #cancer #merchantsofdoubt #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #wef #johnsnowproject #corona #propaganda
That fake environmentalist blocked me when I called him Shillenberger.
He's a paid #MerchantsOfDoubt for the fossil fuel industry I'm quite confident. He may just be pro-nuclear in order to outrage farm as far as I know. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/07/review-bad-science-and-bad-arguments-abound-in-apocalypse-never/
Looks like Naomi #Oreskes and @erikconway will need to add a new chapter to #MerchantsofDoubt, about #gasstoves
In the Fight Over Gas Stoves, Meet the Industry’s Go-To Scientist
Here's a free link:
#oreskes #merchantsofdoubt #gasstoves #environment #climate #gas
A link to the study? Why would you want to, it is simply a matter of #physics, don't you think? The relationship between #energy, #mass and #velocity.
The variables may differ, the relation remains the same. This wheel has long been invented.
The demand for new evidence is therefore nothing more than a debating trick by "#merchantsofdoubt".
#merchantsofdoubt #velocity #mass #energy #physics
The truth-twisting playbook has many chapters and authors, but simple aims - suppression of information, protection of vested interests, sowing doubt and confusion, all the while ignoring even the possibility of an ethical dimension. #MerchantsofDoubt indeed.
If you are able to access BBC Radio - this series is a real eye-opener: " ... the story of how to manufacture doubt."
@Sheril classic industry playbook in action. Let me know if you ever want to cover the formula industry on these same tactics! #FirstFoodSecurity #MerchantsofDoubt
#firstfoodsecurity #merchantsofdoubt
Kalhyggen blir kolsänkor redan inom tio år https://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/sveriges_lantbruksuniversitet__slu/pressreleases/kalhyggen-blir-kolsaenkor-redan-inom-tio-aar-3221608
@sushubh Are #ElonMusk (aka #SpaceKaren ) and other #MerchantsOfDoubt attacking #Wikipedia because people learn there that the founders of #Telsa are #MartinEberhard and #MarcTarpenning?
Do the combined trajectories of the #TwitterExodus and #TeslaStock form a #Hyperloop ? 😂
#elonmusk #SpaceKaren #merchantsofdoubt #wikipedia #telsa #martineberhard #marctarpenning #twitterexodus #teslastock #hyperloop
Why am I not surprised that the Texas Public Policy Foundation was originally founded to promote charter schools.
Where I have I seen that combination of pro-fossil fuels & anti-public education before? Hmmm...
Think it rhymes w/ Choke Industries
#ksleg #ksed #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #merchantsofdoubt
#merchantsofdoubt #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ksed #ksleg
It is a condemnation of the American people's political competence that Frank Luntz is able to earn a living on our media in 2022. He is one of the #MerchantsOfDoubt that has a lot of responsibility for causing our #ClimateCrisis.
#merchantsofdoubt #ClimateCrisis
"Plants need CO2" was always a coal lobbyist talking point, but now we have solid evidence - https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/as-carbon-dioxide-goes-up-plants-nutrient-content-declines-70720
the wild thing is that the first place I heard about it was *Politico*
#climatechange #globalwarming #climatecrisis #merchantsofdoubt
#climatechange #globalwarming #climatecrisis #merchantsofdoubt
RT @CKemfert@twitter.com
Absolute sehenswerte Doku in @ARD_Presse@twitter.com, warum die #Energiewende ausgebremst wird. Es geht auch um Klimaskeptiker und fossile Lobbyvereine, die mit Mythen und Falschbehauptungen #Klimaschutz 20 Jahre aufgehalten haben. #KampfumStrom #MerchantsofDoubt
#energiewende #klimaschutz #KampfumStrom #merchantsofdoubt
RT @CKemfert@twitter.com
Absolute sehenswerte Doku in @ARD_Presse@twitter.com, warum die #Energiewende ausgebremst wird. Es geht auch um Klimaskeptiker und fossile Lobbyvereine, die mit Mythen und Falschbehauptungen #Klimaschutz 20 Jahre aufgehalten haben. #KampfumStrom #MerchantsofDoubt
#merchantsofdoubt #KampfumStrom #KlimaSchutz #energiewende
RT @CKemfert@twitter.com
Absolute sehenswerte Doku in @ARD_Presse@twitter.com, warum die #Energiewende ausgebremst wird. Es geht auch um Klimaskeptiker und fossile Lobbyvereine, die mit Mythen und Falschbehauptungen #Klimaschutz 20 Jahre aufgehalten haben. #KampfumStrom #MerchantsofDoubt
#energiewende #KlimaSchutz #KampfumStrom #merchantsofdoubt