So I think that the visitor WiFi at #WarHammerWorld blocks SSH connections which means I have to tether to my phone to use #hg / #mercurial (or #git)
#WarhammerWorld #hg #mercurial #Git
#heptapod 0.38.0 released, jumping #gitlab to 15.11 and featuring performance boosts due to inner #mercurial #rust reimplementations. Changelog: Docker: #git
#heptapod #gitlab #mercurial #rust #git
Mercurial 6.5.2 is out!
A short overview of changes:
This is a minor release with a handful of bugfixes like: WSGI environment encoding in hgweb was changed to be in accordance with PEP-3333, rhg was made to interpret globs used for sparse checkouts correctly, and some changes were implemented that should improve setup, testing and packaging processes.
#heptapod 0.38.0rc available, based on #gitLab 15.11 and bringing substantial #mercurial performance improvements thanks to #rust reimplementations. Changelog: Docker: #git
#heptapod #gitlab #mercurial #rust #git
@ibboard not that I know of, but I've asked this question in the #mercurial IRC channel.
@davidbures thank you - I didn't know that you could pin the package. That's pretty much all I need, at least until the hg-git plugin works with newer versions of #Mercurial again.
And yes, the main reason I use homebrew is pretty much every tool I need is available via its repositories.
Yes, dear #brew package manager, I definitely did want to upgrade my #hg installation when I’m rebuilding my #Emacs package. You know, the #Mercurial package I had to downgrade every time I tried to update a completely unrelated package.
Does anybody have a recommendation for a #macOS #PackageManager that is less “helpful” and instead simply does what one asks it to do? #HomeBrew’s approach of “oh, this looks a bit outdated so let me ‘help’ you with this” is starting to get on my nerves.
#brew #hg #emacs #mercurial #macos #packagemanager #homebrew
@ibboard here it is
Doesn't cover 100% of functionality yet, but can be useful if you just want a fast shell prompt.
Hacked in a fugly kludge function to halve my prompt generation time by adding a keyword into Hg Prompt that prints Git-style "=" or "+X-Y" for when your local repo matches remote or is ahead/behind.
Can't find an "upstream" to submit it to any more, though ☹
@moheb2000 that was the first revision control system i used a little over a decade ago at my first job in san francisco ...nothing but #git since
hg commit -m "good luck!"
I decided to use #mercurial instead of git to see how I can go with it. I may need to self host sourcehut for my projects. If you know an alternative way to host mercurial repositories (something like github and except heptapod), please tell me.
Something curious I looked at today: a patch series with #OpenVMS support for #Mercurial
Never saw OpenVMS before, it all looks so different!
Mercurial 6.5.1 is out!
A short overview of changes:
This is a minor release that has some important bugs fixes (so it's recommended to upgrade, as always) and also brings more compatibility to users and developers. For example, there's a sizable series of patches dealing with changes in Python 3.12 and purely tests-related changes to make them pass on #NetBSD.
@benjohn @gvwilson I've always found this interesting. I was too late to version control to see the battle, but of the very few (really 2) people who I think knew both #git and #Mercurial quite well, I've heard both say they preferred Mercurial.
After 5+ weeks of using #Git I switched back to #Mercurial and ... and ... it's crazy how much less "hinkey" it is.
#lookingforwork in software engineering! Currently I do:
- Compiled languages like C and C++
- #dotnet languages such as C# and F#
- #Java and #Javascript
- #database languages like #SQL and #Postgres
- Game #decompilation and #modding
I'm familiar with:
- #Agile, #Scrum, and their differences
- #Git and #Mercurial
- Safe programming practices
- Future-proofing
I'm highly flexible and learn quickly, so feel free to reach out to me!
#decompilation #modding #lookingforwork #dotnet #java #javascript #database #sql #postgres #agile #scrum #git #mercurial #programming #softwareengineering #fedihire
I've been using #Mercurial instead of Git on my last project. I've gotta say, it's nice.
I like not having a staging area. I like the built-in command aliases like `hg st`. I _think_ I like the distinction between bookmarks and branches, but I'm still a little confused about the "multiple heads on a branch" concept.
Really, the biggest downside is that the whole software industry assumes that everyone is using Git and GitHub nowadays. (ripgrep doesn't handle .hgignore files.)
Evolve 11.0.2 is also out!
If you're using evolve and/or topics with #hg, this minor release is compatible with the latest Mercurial 6.5. In reality, no code changes were required for the compatibility, only some tests needed to be updated.
Mercurial 6.5 is out!
This feature release includes a mechanism for on-demand access to hidden changesets during exchange, switches to changegroup3 by default, obsoletes infinitepush, includes various improvements to #rust code and includes quite a bit of bugfixes as well.