50+ Music · @50years
54 followers · 8515 posts · Server musicworld.social

"I Don't Need You" is a song written by Rick Christian, and was first recorded and released as a single in 1978 on , by Rick Christian himself at Shoe Productions, a recording studio/production company in Memphis, TN, but it failed to chart.


Last updated 1 year ago

Wee76 · @Wee76
6 followers · 39 posts · Server mstdn.party

Another Mercury label, this one celebrating their time in Chicago with 3 famous buildings- Marina City, John Hancock Center and One IBM Plaza. Not really a fan of this one. Not really that creative. Perhaps red stars on a blue background if you want to go Chicago. In 1967, Mercury became the first label in the US to distribute their music on cassette. They’re now part of Island Records but still putting out music.

#mercuryrecords #vinylcollection

Last updated 2 years ago

Wee76 · @Wee76
6 followers · 38 posts · Server mstdn.party

It’s the way this version of the Mercury Records label spins on the turntable that makes me like so much. This is more late 60s/early 70s than the B&W version from the Sarah Vaughn record from a few months back. Unlike the other big labels promoting their records through radio play, Mercury went the cheaper route of promoting through jukeboxes. In this way, the label was able to compete and ultimately establish itself as a real player.

#mercuryrecords #rodstewart #vinylcollection

Last updated 2 years ago

ogawaswe · @ogawaswe
3 followers · 121 posts · Server otoya.space
ogawaswe · @ogawaswe
3 followers · 97 posts · Server otoya.space