Krafty :arcolinux: :neovim: · @tkk13909
69 followers · 2520 posts · Server

@Virginicus In the book , he brings it up.

I don't see it as relevant to this conversation, however, because one could simply ask (as Lewis does in his book) why should I care about other people? Who is going to make me be nice to others?

In this way, it seems we come right back to where we started.


Last updated 1 year ago

Krafty :arcolinux: :neovim: · @tkk13909
66 followers · 2184 posts · Server

What does think about by ? I'm currently listening to it for the third time.

#fedi #merechristianity #cslewis #askfedi #christianity

Last updated 1 year ago

k e i r e n · @keirenmitchell
93 followers · 159 posts · Server

β€œIt may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”

β€” C.S. Lewis

#CSLewis #merechristianity #quote

Last updated 2 years ago

Rico del Rosario · @ricodelrosario
15 followers · 67 posts · Server

died today, 22 November in 1963. He was an intellectual giant. His book, came about from his series of talks over BBC Radio during the Second World War. But we remember Jack most for giving us and . At a time when I abandoned my faith, these books brought me back to grace. Yes, it was fiction. Children's storybooks. Not a theological treatise, not Biblical exposition. It was Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy who showed me a way back to faith.

#CSLewis #merechristianity #aslan #thechroniclesofnarnia

Last updated 2 years ago