"Preload failure means the heart doesn’t have enough blood to move it efficiently to the muscle during exercise. Virtually everyone with ME/CFS has it, but it comes in different flavors."
#MEResearch https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2022/12/07/systrom-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-mitochondria-drug/
"Preload failure means the heart doesn’t have enough blood to move it efficiently to the muscle during exercise. Virtually everyone with ME/CFS has it, but it comes in different flavors."
#MEResearch https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2022/12/07/systrom-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-mitochondria-drug/
This latest PEM/PEME hell crash is different than usual in that I feel slightly more drugged than poisoned for a change.
I see that as a big win because I've been managing to nap through some of it.
And I woke up to some very hopeful news! ✊️
This is great news and means there are now two studies on neutrophils in the pipeline. (Unless part of same study?)
#MEResearch #pwME #MECFS #LongCovid
"Ron Davis: New Neutrophil Study! - Open Medicine Foundation" https://www.omf.ngo/ron-davis-new-neutrophil-study/
RT @MBVanElzakker@twitter.com
Thankful that an NIH R21 grant that we submitted last February was accepted for funding on the first round of review: a deep characterization of neutrophils in ME/CFS and PASC.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MBVanElzakker/status/1597071605296873472
#LongCovid #mecfs #pwme #meresearch
“We now want to continue and carry out more detailed investigations into the immune response in ME/CFS, and in this way understand the differences between the antibody responses against latent viruses,”
#pwME #MECFS #MEResearch
"The upshot of all this is that people with ME/CFS responded differently immunologically in a most curious way to the coronavirus than did the healthy controls."
#pwME #MECFS #MEResearch
"This study will first design and engineer an entirely new testing technology that will isolate the neutrophils from whole blood, without changing them, and will mimic the inflammatory conditions in the human body."
#pwME #MEResearch https://www.omf.ngo/ron-davis-new-neutrophil-study/