🤔 Cette sensation particulière que les contributeurs aux connaissent bien, vous savez, ce plaisir d'apporter sa pierre à l'édifice, de collaborer en bonne intelligence.
C'est un luxe inaccessible dans le monde du logiciel privateur. Perso, je ne fais pas de gros développements, loin de là, mais je fais petites corrections et évolutions de l'UI de , et, quand une de mes est , mon taux de dopamine monte en flèche 🥰
I ❤️ @nextcloud

#github #opensource #merged #pullrequest #nextcloud #logicielslibres

Last updated 2 years ago

Heather Ballard 🍬🐉 · @taffydragon
22 followers · 158 posts · Server mastodon.art

Sometime over a decade ago on Tumblr, I responded to someone's question of what Jet the Hawk would look like as a griffin. And then things took off from there. I remember someone saying these should all be in a game called "Sonic & the WTF???" with the end boss called "Final WTF???" Sorry they're kinda blurry, I didn't have a great camera at the time.
I guess that's the tag? Didn't know this was a thing when I did it. I was just bored out of my head. XD

#merged #merge #sonicthehedgehog

Last updated 2 years ago

Edward Betts · @edward
290 followers · 83 posts · Server octodon.social
Gemma Hentsch · @gemma
19 followers · 538 posts · Server dannythe.site