The Wasserstein metric between #PersistenceDiagrams can be easily extended to #MergeTrees by restricting the set of candidate assignments to partial isomorphisms 👇
Available in the #TopologyToolKit!
#TopologicalDataAnalysis #DataScience #Visualization
Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) (project TORI,
#persistencediagrams #mergetrees #topologytoolkit #TopologicalDataAnalysis #datascience #visualization
Need to analyze a collection of datasets based on their #MergeTrees?
Check out our new approach for Principal Geodesic Analysis in the Wasserstein metric space of #MergeTrees, with applications to dimension reduction 👇
#TopologicalDataAnalysis #Visualization #DataScience
Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) (project TORI,
#mergetrees #TopologicalDataAnalysis #visualization #datascience
#mergetrees describe the connectivity of landscape: imagine how after the deluge first mountain tops appear, then get connected by a revealed mountain pass and so on. If one tracks the connected components of the land masses, one gets merge trees. Folks in #tda use them a lot.
Turns out one can add them (but not subtract, pretty much like natural numbers). They form a commutative monoid (with unity).
Are they useful, in compositionality or elsewhere?