Eating good things #homemade tonight, I can almost make a sentence only with hashtags : it's #tartar steak with #lactofermentation veggies (carrots and green beans) and #sourdoughbread and #meringues (but not ready in time). It was really good, the bread was amazing, though it's a long time I didn't make normal bread (not like the brioche like usual Sunday bread)
#sourdough #food #bread
#homemade #tartar #lactofermentation #sourdoughbread #meringues #sourdough #food #bread
Et comme j'avais fait de la mayonnaise hier, en conséquence j'avais fait des meringues
Y'en a moins
Des #meringues
"Don't look with your hands."
Amsterdam, 2017.
#meringues #amsterdam #Netherlands #travel #travelphoto