2/2 - Armement: les chars 🇮🇱 #Merkava font leur entrée dans l’arsenal militaire 🇲🇦 https://bit.ly/46cVDIe
1/2 - Un pays 🇪🇺 est sur le point d'acquérir des chars israéliens #Merkava [NDLR: ils ont bon sur 🇨🇾 mais pas 🗺] https://bit.ly/46eLHOi
Israel negotiating sale of used #Merkava #tanks to a European and another undisclosed countries
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ArmyRecognition/status/1669613997438427136
In 2008 #Hezbollah wiped out Ιsraeli tanks force with Russian #Kornet anti tank system and gave #Israel there very first military lose.
The Israelis claim their trophy system will defeat kornet - despite this, they have never been back.
#hezbollah #kornet #israel #merkava #abrams