“But you can take it to the extreme … you work so hard not to be a partisan that you’re failing to do your job.”
It took constant embarrassment from the Dem House committee to finally get action, in a special prosecutor.
#merrickgarland #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #doj #uspol
Prosecutors near charging decision in #HunterBiden case #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
Prosecutions for false statements on gun-purchase forms are relatively rare, but they do happen & he has paid any due taxes
Attorney General Merrick Garland has told Congress that the department’s decisions in the case would not be politicized and has said he has granted Weiss — a holdover from the Trump administration — complete authority to run the investigation." #MerrickGarlandMEWS
#HunterBiden #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #merrickgarlandmews
https://www.coloradopolitics.com/legislature/colorado-legislature-hoa-lawn-bill-turf-grass-alternative/article_214254be-cd9a-11ed-a7ef-abd4d52be53e.html Investigators are looking into the possibility of pursuing a second criminal case against Weisselberg, this time for insurance fraud Trump Org got approval from Zurich Insurance Group to obtain surety bonds State investigators claim that Weisselberg lied to a Zurich underwriter by turning over financial statements that purported to show property appraisals were done by an outside firm when they weren’t #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #ArrestTrumpNow #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#trumpcrimesyndicate #ArrestTrumpNow #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-supporter-pulls-knife-family-outside-manhattan-courthouse-1234705320/ #TraitorTrump said China would never send spy balloons over the US if he were President. (They did) #ArrestTrumpNow #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#TraitorTrump #ArrestTrumpNow #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/trump-charges?id=97888515 #ArrestTrumpNow #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #TraitorTrump
Trump live updates: Grand jury vote not likely until next week at earliest
No current or former president has ever been indicted for criminal conduct.
No presidentwas a organ8zed crime boss who worked for Putin’s Kremlin, either.
#ArrestTrumpNow #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #TraitorTrump
In his #WackoWaco Nazi rally, the whirling around the drain, washed up criminal, Donald Trump claimed that prosecutors who resigned from Manhatten DA #AlvinBragg 's office did so because of him. Deranged Donald said the prosecutors resigned because, "they said we dont like how unfairly they are treating" lying traitor Donald Trump. Once again in Orwellian fashion, down is up, crime is patriotic. #ArrestTrumpNow #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#wackowaco #AlvinBragg #ArrestTrumpNow #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
If I hear one more, hand wringing, media talking head say, "But it's unprecedented to indict a former president", I'll scream. Why doesn't anyone push back with, " It's unprecedented and criminal for a president to incite political violence and refuse to honor the peaceful transfer of power. It's unprecedented for a ex president to continue with his treason by openly have rallies to incite civil war, either. #ArrestTrumpNow #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#ArrestTrumpNow #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna77036 Federal judge orders Pence to testify in special counsel probe investigating Trump
A D.C. judge said that the former vice president must comply with a subpoena from a grand jury tied to the special counsel's investigation.
#Pence #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy #NotAboveTheLaw #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #ArrestTrump #Jan6Insurrection
#pence #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #notabovethelaw #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #arresttrump #Jan6insurrection
Please #DOJ #ArrestTrumpNow The organized crime boss is openly breaking the law. Today a mobster said on TV that "MichaelCohen needs one right between the eyes." Everday that they are allowed to flaunt the law they grow bigger & more brazen with their lawlessness. Today it was reported that the NY grand jury was not going to convene due to violent threats.That is #obstructionofjustice This is not normal #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #TrumpIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpCrimeSyndictate
#DOJ #ArrestTrumpNow #obstructionofjustice #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #trumpisabovethelaw #trumpcrimesyndictate
https://theintercept.com/2023/03/19/george-bush-iraq-lies-trump/ Bush’s Iraq War Lies Created a Blueprint for Donald Trump
The officially sanctioned conspiracy theory that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 set a dangerous precedent.
#MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #ArrestTrumpNow #IraqWar #BigLie #TrumpCrimes
#merrickgarlandiscomplicit #ArrestTrumpNow #iraqwar #biglie #trumpcrimes
https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/kevin-mccarthy-tweet-trump-potential-arrest-bragg-dangerous-rcna75595. #SeditiousKevinMcCarthy is openly committing crimes obstruction of Justice He is abusing his power to intimidate a state prosecutor Thats illegal McCarthy seems to be moving on from being an accessory after the fact toward aiding and abetting. He does so as the House Republicans head to Orlando, Fla., for their annual policy retreat, where he will likely receive little to no pushback for deciding to back Trump over the rule of law #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #MAGAcult
#seditiouskevinmccarthy #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #magacult
Prepare yourself for complicit Merrick Garlands slap on the wrist for criminal organized crime boss #TraitorTrump He should have picked up a Federal case for campaign finance fraud on the hush payment to StormyDaniels 6 years ago I predict a fine, no jail time for Donald despite #MichaelCohen doing time over #TrumpCrimes This is for DOJ to get involved Garland passed the ball to the state instead I call BS Who is protecting the #TrumpCrimeSydnicate? #TrumpIsAboveTheLaw #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#TraitorTrump #michaelcohen #trumpcrimes #trumpcrimesydnicate #trumpisabovethelaw #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
The elephant in the room is, why not a peep from the DOJ about #JaVanka walking away from the White House with a cool $600M? Being the crime boss #TraitorTrumps 'advisors' pays that much? Give me a break. Where is the media? Why aren't democrats opening investigations or at least screaming about THAT? Who is protecting them? FOLLOW THE MONEY #TrumpCrimeSyndictate #ArrestJaredKushner #ArrestIvanka #ArrestTrumpNow #ArrestTrumpCrimeFamily #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#arresttrumpcrimefamily #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #javanka #traitortrumps #trumpcrimesyndictate #arrestjaredkushner #arrestivanka #ArrestTrumpNow
#FoxFakeNews was caught editing out fascist Putins lackey Donald Trump's boast that he would have negotiated an end to Russia's invasion of Ukraine by allowing the Kremlin to "take over" parts of the country. #TraitorTrump #ArrestTrumpNow #TrumpCrimes He never had that power, he is crazy and dangerous. #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #TrumpRussianAsset
#foxfakenews #TraitorTrump #ArrestTrumpNow #trumpcrimes #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #trumprussianasset
https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-fbi-whistleblowers-weaponization-committee-1785259?amp=1 Seditionist #GymJordan #MAGArepublicanExtremist criticized by Democrats after three FBI "whistleblowers" who testified in the Republican-led committee investigating the "weaponization" of the federal government were found to have supported numerous conspiracy theories and to have been PAID by a close ally of criminal grifter Donald Trump #TraitorTrump #ArrestTrumpNow #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#GymJordan #magarepublicanextremist #TraitorTrump #ArrestTrumpNow #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
Why hasn't this perv #GymJordan seditionist traitor been indicted for seditious conspiracy against our government? #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#GymJordan #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
https://www.thedailybeast.com/capitol-riot-defendants-olivia-pollock-joseph-hutchinson-disappear-before-trial #Jan6insurrectionists have removed their ankle monitors and are on the lam right before their court trials. One of them, Pollock is the sister of another Jan. 6 domestic terrorist defendant, Jonathan Pollock, who disappeared months ago after a federal arrest warrant was issued for him in June of 2021. This is what happens with white privilege #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit Both are charged with assaulting Capitol police
#jan6insurrectionists #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/merrick-garland-ted-cruz-protests_n_640026b1e4b05f1e793d6d02 Merrick Garland, Sen. Ted Cruz Spar In Testy Exchange On Protests At Justices' Homes
The Texas Republican pressed the attorney general on the DOJ's response to demonstrations in the wake of the leaked draft opinion on axing Roe v. Wade.
Garland deserves to be hammered by the #MAGArepublicanextremists seditionists in power. He has allowed them no accountability #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#magarepublicanextremists #merrickgarlandiscomplicit
The FBI agents’ caution also was rooted in the fact that mistakes in prior probes of Hillary Clinton and Trump had proved damaging to the FBI, and the cases subjected the bureau to sustained public attacks from partisans #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit #FBIrepublicans
#merrickgarlandiscomplicit #fbirepublicans
Isnt #MerrickGarland the boss of the FBI? Just wondering. Showdown before the raid: FBI agents and prosecutors argued over #TraitorTrump having documents #TrumpCrimes
The #MAGA FBI agents’ caution also was rooted in the fact that mistakes in prior probes of Hillary Clinton and Trump had proved damaging to the FBI, and the cases subjected the bureau to sustained public attacks from partisans #FBIcorruption #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#MerrickGarland #TraitorTrump #trumpcrimes #MAGA #fbicorruption #merrickgarlandiscomplicit