Common folks, middle class, poor, minorities, women...anyone but donald would have been Locked Up Long Ago
It turns out if your a #RichCriminal w dirt on other rich ppl, a #CI 🐀 that squealed on the Italian mob, or Putins Favorite #ForeignAsset u get a Free Pass these days,,, but if you're all 3, u could Shoot Someone on Broadway & the Feds wouldn't lift a finger #MerrickWho
#richcriminal #ci #foreignasset #merrickwho
Rule of Law & Legitimacy of the US Government is Shattered
Apparently only common folk, especially minorities & the poor are subject to the Deartment of Justice #MerrickWho
Rich Criminals & Foriegn Assets get a Free Pass. FFS
The MO for donald & every scammer that uses the '180 degree spin'. He Always Admitts his guilt- 'it's a witch hunt' 'No Collusion' blah blah
You'd have to be Bought or Broken Law Enforcement not to take him down on Day Fucking 1. #MerrickWho & the fairy Feds 🧚♀️
When did Taibbi take the #Rubles anyways?
The Russian Propagada Ho's, #TrumpCrimeFamily & Neonazis need to be fed to Bounty Hunters.
If the Feds & #MerrickWho can't do what needs to be done, let's do the Bounty Hunters again like post Hitler.
#rubles #TrumpCrimeFamily #merrickwho
I don't think #MerrickWho can be bought or has significant dirt to be owned
I do think the #TrumpCrimeFamily targeted the DoJ immediately after taking control & may have infiltrated it, say like the Supreme Court Justices #CourtOfJesters, to insure their continuous Crime Spree goes unchecked
#merrickwho #TrumpCrimeFamily #courtofjesters
was he delivering more Intel from the #TrumpCrimeFamily Stolen from the USA? #Espionage #Treason They CONTINUE to #BetrayTheUSA ! #MerrickWho & the cupcake Feds
MJ from Cleveland & twitter?
#TrumpCrimeFamily #espionage #treason #betraytheusa #merrickwho
@flexghost #MerrickWho & his jolly band of Fed Unichs
Hey DoJ, Bought or just Broken?
When/if the DoJ & #MerrickWho manage to do the Obvious, and Lock Up donald & a few of the #RedRepublicans
The other Bullshiters, Cowards, Frauds, Liars & Traitors will fly back in their closets or under their rocks,, And Stop Destroying the USA
@brewster thank goodness he's protecting is from #Biden
DoJ- Bought or Broken?#MerrickWho
@VPS_Reports sooo, EVERYBODY Knows what has to be done with 1) Bannon & the American NeoNazis 2) GQP 3) #TrumpCrimeFamily
Does anyone in charge have the Balls to do it? Get these fucking people off the streets & away from society, By Whatever Means Neccessary #MerrickWho
@MeidasTouch #AboveTheLaw #BrokenRuleOfLaw #MerrickWho #TrumpCrimeFamily
Please put #GlennKirschner in Charge!
#abovethelaw #brokenruleoflaw #merrickwho #TrumpCrimeFamily #GlennKirschner