Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young mother, aged twenty-two, has one little girl three years old. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In mobile unit of #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) camp. New baby expected in December. During this year she has worked with her husband in: strawberries #Helvetia, #Oregon); cherries #Salem, #Oregon); beans #WestStayton, #Oregon); hops #Independence, #Oregon). Is now in potato pickers' camp at the end of that season. "We haven't got a cent now and we've lost our car because we've helped some people out. It seems like it's taken every cent to eat off, that and traveling around."
#merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration #helvetia #salem #weststayton #independence
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young mother, aged twenty-two, has one little girl three years old. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In mobile unit of #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) camp. New baby expected in December. During this year she has worked with her husband in: strawberries #Helvetia, #Oregon); cherries #Salem, #Oregon); beans #WestStayton, #Oregon); hops #Independence, #Oregon). Is now in potato pickers' camp at the end of that season. "We haven't got a cent now and we've lost our car because we've helped some people out. It seems like it's taken every cent to eat off, that and traveling around."
#merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration #helvetia #salem #weststayton #independence
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young mother, aged twenty-two, has one little girl three years old. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In mobile unit of #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) camp. New baby expected in December. During this year she has worked with her husband in: strawberries #Helvetia, #Oregon); cherries #Salem, #Oregon); beans #WestStayton, #Oregon); hops #Independence, #Oregon). Is now in potato pickers' camp at the end of that season. "We haven't got a cent now and we've lost our car because we've helped some people out. It seems like it's taken every cent to eat off, that and traveling around."
#merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration #helvetia #salem #weststayton #independence
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Untitled photo, possibly related to: Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Family of six in tent after supper. Came to potato harvest after father was laid off of #WPAWorkProjectsAdministration) in #Boise, #Idaho. Oldest child is twelve. Little boy has dysentery. #Merrill, #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. In #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) mobile unit
#wpaworkprojectsadministration #boise #idaho #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #fsafarmsecurityadministration
Former #Nebraska farmer, now a migrant farm worker. [#Merrill , #KlamathCounty, #Oregon. See general caption number #62-111
#nebraska #merrill #klamathcounty #oregon #photography #dorothealange