April 2023 Merrill Park Neighborhood Meeting Tonight #MerrillParkMKE #MerrillParkMKENBHDMeeting
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Misc MPD and Local Resources Handouts from Alderman’s office
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
The Neighborhood Markers Tour on 2/18/23 went well with artist introductions and commentary
Plans to have a Big Clean for the New Pocket Park in front of Milwaukee Food before it’s officially opened for season
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Briana Redmond from The Amani Place updated us that she is working with landlord to put in new outdoor lights for better visibility and the Bar application is coming up. This Multi use space has already been profiled by Urban Milwaukee here
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
*Harley Davidson Foundation has already gotten community input that community gardens would be redundant, possible seasonal events like an Arbor Fest or Food Trucks possible
Kelly from the DA office noted future events for:
April 1st: Cleanup at Johnson’s Park
April 8th: 37th and Meinike Butterfly Park Easter Egg Hunt
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
*Designers would be Heatherwick studios and HGA, Green fire would beconstruction managers
*Inner ring is meant to be an “inclusive vibrant hub serving the neighborhood” with sustainability in mind
-Possible free wifi or charging stations
*Outer Ring has a few different uses including Children’s Play Area, Menominee Prayer Rock and Multi Use Space for Market Street/Farmers Market/Art Fair pop ups
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
3/14/23 Merrill Park Neighborhood Meeting
April G from the Harley Davidson Foundation presented on the proposed Multi Use Park located in the Harley Davidson parking lot at Highland and 37th.
*Would include inner ring performance area and outer ring mixed use space
*Groundbreaking was scheduled for 4/12/23
* Park would apply for Site Certified Park designation which would be first in WI, designation comes from from same branch as LEED Certification
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Resident mentioned concerns about the lack of a protected left turn lane for the intersection of Clybourn and 27th. Drivers going straight through the intersection in the left hand lane are causing near misses. Any traffic signal or lane change would require a Traffic Study which requires a Petition from Residents, Given to Alderperson and then created by DPW for a three month study
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Selenia Rodriguez Dept of NBHD Services Rep confirmed that if we are looking to
Add ramp to existing property there may be grant money available thru Revitalize MKE
Buffalo Boss Wings on Michigan and 27th is looking to open during the calendar year. It was previously a seafood restaurant and profiled in an Urban Milwaukee article from Sept 2021 found here
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Slightly Less belated notes from the 1/10/23 Merrill Park Neighborhood Meeting
Sharlen mentioned that she had done additional research since we discussed the Raze List for Nuisance Properties through the City, Which would require a review for the subject property from the Zoning Board and a Condemnation order from the MKE Dept of Neighborhood Services
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Fixed at Six group opposing highway expansion send out flyer about attending the WISDOT planning next meeting at Marquette HS on Dec 14th to contribute to public speaking section
Messmer St Rose has free clothes and food pantry 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 4-6pm use the entrance on 30th st parking lot
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
There was a house fire at 520 N 33rd St Fire the last week of October
Mor and Noa w/ three adult children live in the house , propane tank caught fire and started other gas lawnmowers on file
*Candace is working with daughter Molle to do gofundme under the name LOR family fire fund found here
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Kelly our District Three DA Representative
Mentioned that
*The Mayor & Willie Hines visited the Merrill Park Housing Bldg and highlighted the 6 cameras and new blue lights that store camera for incidence reporting at Merrill Park Bldg
* Merrill Park Bldg Residents may have access to footage thru their TV Hookups that would have to be allowed thru Housing Authority Of The City Of Milwaukee (HACKM) which oversees 30 sites w/ 5k units
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
I have more mobile action pics to show how it’s laid out and the Police to Citizen app handout , which is more of a direct complaint report and not for multiple city services like the MKE Mobile Action App
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
So…this is me doing a very belated Merrill Park Neighborhood Meeting Notes thread for the 11/15/2022 Meeting
Selenia Rodriguez, District 3 NBHD Services Coordinator - Safe and Sound came to Discuss the MKE Mobile Action App and Web Browser Site found here
*You can send in concerns about properties to officers
* hotspot form will be listed as Merrill Park Neighbors if submitted without name for anonymity
#merrillparkmke #merrillparkmkenbhdmeeting
Neighborhood Meeting is Tonight, 11/15/22 @ 6 PM. Hope to see y’all there 🦃 #MerrillParkMKE #MilwaukeeWI