Seeking Wisdom
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#starwarsjedisurvivor #jedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #stsrwars #jedi #merrin
#merrin #jedi #stsrwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #JediSurvivor #StarWarsJediSurvivor
Kotaku: Six Cool Details In The New Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Trailer #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwars3aepisodeie28093thephantommenace #filmsusingcomputergeneratedimagery #starwarsprequeltrilogy #englishlanguagefilms #bountyhunterdurge #creativeworks #hunterdurge #darthvader #palpatine #coruscant #calkestis #starwars #fiction #merrin #rayvis #greez #jedi #sith
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwars3aepisodeie28093thephantommenace #filmsusingcomputergeneratedimagery #starwarsprequeltrilogy #englishlanguagefilms #bountyhunterdurge #creativeworks #hunterdurge #darthvader #palpatine #coruscant #calkestis #starwars #fiction #merrin #rayvis #greez #JEDI #sith
I pre-ordered this a million years ago and it’s finally arrived!
Not a big Funko Pop fan but I am a big Merrin fan! I hope she’s in the new game…
#starwars #funkopop #jefifallenorder #merrin #nightsister
#starwars #funkopop #jefifallenorder #merrin #nightsister