The Cinnamon #Fern is named for its resemblance of its tall, #spore-bearing #fronds that take on the appearance and texture of #Cinnamon bark.
It grows natively in the #Americas from Canada to #Florida and the Caribbean and as far south as Peru.
In Asia, it grows from Siberia to as far south as Thailand. It thrives in low-lying, marshy areas, such as the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge.
#OsmundastrumCinnamomeum, #CinnamonFern, #Plant, #Marsh, #MerrittIslandWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #Photography, #Photograph, #Photo,
#fern #spore #fronds #cinnamon #americas #florida #osmundastrumcinnamomeum #cinnamonfern #plant #marsh #merrittislandwildliferefuge #minwr #photography #photograph #photo