''From 13 September 2022 to 12 August 2023, three laboratory-confirmed cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (#MERS-CoV), including two deaths, were reported to WHO by the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).''
Middle East respiratory syndrome #coronavirus (#MERS-CoV) - #KSA: #WHO D.O.N.: https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2023-DON484 #zoonoses #EIDs #betacoronavirus #merbecovirus #alert
#Coronavirus #mers #ksa #who #Zoonoses #EIDs #betacoronavirus #merbecovirus #alert
#RPGADay2023 Wohl eher in Richtung komplex als einfach, aber N- #osr -talgie verklärt so manches.
Wie gesagt, #Rolemaster / #Spacemaster waren damals eine Weile unser Jam.
Entsprechend muss ich mich schwer beherrschen, zurzeit wird die dt. Version von #AgainsttheDarkmaster / #vsDarkmaster schwarmfinanziert. Die wilden "Open End Würfe" und die Criticals waren schon megacool!
Good luck and enjoy.
#rpgaday2023 #osr #Rolemaster #spacemaster #AgainstTheDarkmaster #vsDarkmaster #mers #Merp #pnpde
#Covid19 #antibodies may give us partial #immunity to #SARS and #MERS
#COVID19 #antibodies #immunity #sars #mers
Musste darüber jetzt nochmal nachdenken, aber meine SC sind in Fantasy-RPGs tatsächlich noch nie gestorben oder in-game ausgeschieden. Stattdessen sind die Runden eingeschlafen (manchmal nach nur einer einzigen Sitzung) oder zerbrochen. Ob #DSA4, #MERS, #Rolemaster, #Earthdawn, #DnD3, #DnD5, oder #Dungeonslayers. Immer das Gleiche. Im Fall von #Pathfinder2 läuft die Runde noch, da heißt es abwarten, aber #NivVanDerZee ist aktuell kein heißer Kanditat für vorzeitiges Ableben. AC und HP sei Dank.
#DSA4 #mers #Rolemaster #earthdawn #dnd3 #dnd5 #Dungeonslayers #pathfinder2 #nivvanderzee
MERS on the rise. Heads up, don't worry, keep your eye on it though. https://english.alarabiya.net/News/gulf/2023/07/25/WHO-expects-more-MERS-cases-in-M-East-after-expat-contract-disease-in-Abu-Dhabi #MERS #PublicHealth #Microbiology #inflation
#mers #publichealth #microbiology #inflation
abu · coronavirus · dhabi · mers
#news #coronavirus #mers
''On 13 June, he was in #critical condition and referred to an intensive care unit (#ICU) at a specialized government tertiary hospital where he was put on mechanical #ventilation. He deteriorated and a nasopharyngeal swab was collected on 21 June and tested positive for MERS-CoV by PCR on 23 June 2023.'' #mers #coronavirus #betacoronavirus #merbecovirus #UAE #alert #surveillance
#critical #ICU #ventilation #mers #Coronavirus #betacoronavirus #merbecovirus #uae #alert #surveillance
#MERS - #UAE: a 28-year-old male from Al Ain city in #AbuDhabi. Case had no history of direct or indirect contact with #dromedaries, #goats, or #sheep. Patient was admitted to hospital on 8 June. A nasopharyngeal swab was collected on 21 June & tested positive for MERS-CoV by PCR on 23 June 2023. All 108 identified contacts were monitored for 14 days from last date of exposure to patient. No secondary cases have been detected to date. #WHO DON: https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2023-DON478 #coronavirus #epidemic
#mers #uae #abudhabi #dromedaries #goats #sheep #who #Coronavirus #epidemic
#MERS-CoV Found in Hyalomma dromedarii #Ticks Attached to Dromedary #Camels at a Livestock #Market, #UAE, 2019 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37376588/?utm_source=Feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1TK-00Bd3YG_J75ZOCfC6LyGWkLBDpQrYdxjS3Imr6VqqZDQLu&fc=None&ff=20230628085518&v=2.17.9.post6+86293ac #zoonoses #spillover #EID
#mers #ticks #Camels #market #uae #Zoonoses #spillover #eid
Advances in COVID19 #vaccines may accelerate work on #MERS vaccines
“36% of people who develop Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome have died. Scientists are stepping up the search for a vaccine.”
📌MERS-CoV was identified in 2012. Outbreaks have been reported in Saudi Arabia and South Korea
📌MERS is transmitted from camels to humans and from human to human in close contact (such as a healthcare setting)
📌MERS vaccine research helped to catalyse COVID19 vaccine development
Cerebrospinal Fluid Offers Clues to Post-COVID ‘Brain Fog’ | UC San Francisco
#cerbrospinalfluid #LongCovid #brainfog #sarscov2 #brain #mildcovid #covid #inflammation #systemicinflammatoryresponse #turncoatantibodies #diabetes #CognitiveImpairment #vasculardementia #adhd #anxiety #depression #LearningDisabilities #alcohol #stimulants #hand #hiv #sars #mers #hepatitis #epsteinbarrvirus
🇫🇷⚓️ “La bascule du monde impose de se préparer à l’imprévu, aux chocs, aux ruptures, à tout ce qui aujourd’hui est jugé improbable. Il nous faut donc dépasser les gammes et nous entraîner à nous adapter, à revoir les plans en boucle très courte, à trouver les solutions pour le combat de demain avec les outils que nous avons dans les mains” 🛡️⚔️
https://www.areion24.news/2022/12/09/il-y-a-clairement-un-enjeu-a-epaissir/ #MarineNationale #France #geopolitique #Mers
#marinenationale #france #geopolitique #mers
Hello #pnpde, könnt ihr klassische Rollenspiele klassischen #Snacks und Getränken zuordnen?
Ich sag mal:
#Mers = Spekulatius
#Adnd = Erdnussflips und salzige Lakritzheringe
#Gurps Fantas = Fladenbrot, billiger Rotwein und Aldi Gouda vom Block
#DCC = Dosenbier
#pnpde #snacks #mers #adnd #gurps #dcc
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1651989709671870468]
RT @TruthCampaigns: Remember where #Flu comes from …
#Farming #Animals
#Agriculture #Food
#Science #Experiments
Illegal #Wildlife #Trade
#flu #farming #Animals #agriculture #food #Science #experiments #Wildlife #trade #birdflu #swineflu #mers #SARS #Ebola #tb #monkeypox #covi19
A social and medical examination of Long COVID as a “mass disabling event”: Part 4 - World Socialist Web Site
Hash tag list:
#covid #LongCovid #MassDisablingEvent #coronavirus #mers #sars #RussianFlu #flu #postviralillness #cfs #me #spanishflu #shingles #Chickenpox #ebola #epsteinbarrvirus #Trotsky
Scientists Fear #Catastrophic #COVID #Combination With #Another #Virus. Scientists are calling for a #UniversalVaccine after a #Chinese study warned #COVID could combine with the super-#lethal #MERS #virus. https://www.thedailybeast.com/scientists-fear-catastrophic-covid-combination-with-mers-virus #Kraken #SARSCoV2 and #MERS-CoV
#catastrophic #covid #combination #another #Virus #universalvaccine #chinese #lethal #mers #kraken #SarsCoV2
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome #Coronavirus (#MERS-CoV) - a ten-year (2012-2022) #global #analysis of human and #camel infections, #genomic sequences, #lineages, and geographical origins https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36996998/?utm_source=Feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1TK-00Bd3YG_J75ZOCfC6LyGWkLBDpQrYdxjS3Imr6VqqZDQLu&fc=None&ff=20230331034519&v=2.17.9.post6+86293ac
#Coronavirus #mers #global #analysis #Camel #genomic #lineages