Here’s a #postcard showing three aspects of #Oxford University. To the left the views show #Magdalen College (top) and #ChristChurch College (lower). The arms are those of #Merton College, and derive from the founder Walter de Merton, and Rochester, of which he was bishop
#postcard #oxford #magdalen #christchurch #merton #HigherEducationPostcard #highereducation
"If a writer is so cautious that he never writes anything that cannot be criticized, he will never write anything that can be read.
If you want to help other people you have got to make up your mind to write things that some men will condemn."
Thomas Merton. "New Seeds of Contemplation" ch. 15.
"The geographical pilgrimage is the symbolic acting out of an inner journey. The inner journey is the interpolation of the meanings and signs of the outer pilgrimage. One can have one without the other. It is best to have both."
Merton, Thomas. "From Pilgrimage to Crusade." (1964) in _Selected Essays_. Edited with an introduction by Patrick F. O'Connell. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2013), page 187.
h/t @phranuntiyo who has posted this quotation from Thomas #Merton, *Thoughts on Solitude*:
"No writing on the solitary, meditative dimensions of life can say anything that has not already been said better by the wind in the pine trees."
There is a famous #Zen story in which Zhaozhou is asked "Why did Bodhidharma come from the West?", which is like asking "What is the meaning and purpose of Zen?"
Zhaozhou replied, "The oak tree in the courtyard." ...
See this map illustrating the #AELTC (Wimbledon Tennis) plans to build all over #WimbledonPark Metropolitan Open Land that they bought from #Merton Council in 1993 and promised not to build on and even signed covenants saying that they would not build on it. Their excuse to apply for planning permission to bulldoze and build all over it now ? “Times have changed”.
See this map illustrating the #AELTC (Wimbledon Tennis) plans to build all over Metropolitan Open Land that they bought from #Merton Council in 1993 and promised not to build on and even signed covenants saying that they would not build on it. Their excuse to apply for planning permission to bulldoze and build all over it now ? “Times have changed”.
Walk couple of days back, heron fishing in #Wandle London, next to #Sainsburys supermarket. In the supermarket carpark, is the ruins of #Merton Abbey where King Henry VI was crowned ...
Have you seen Kimberley (15) missing from #Essex since November 19, 2022? (may be in #London or #HighWycombe) (Call Metropolitan police on 101 quoting 22MIS041542) #Newham #Brent #Merton #Ealing #Hayes #Harlow
#Essex #london #HighWycombe #newham #brent #merton #Ealing #hayes #Harlow
It saddening that I wasn’t even that shocked when I read the headline of this story. Faith in the #Met Police is rock bottom and if you are a women, person of colour or LGBTQ+ it’s subterranean.
I didn’t feel safe at night in the early 00’s - my BF always walked me home. So glad he did after reading this. The nasty piece of work was patrolling my borough - #Merton.
On 12/12/22 @cllr_alambritis, Cabinet Member for Transport at #Merton Council signed an order for the permanent closure of Church road during the #Wimbledon #Tennis Championships, despite over 80% of those consulted registering objections. This decision has now been “called in” for review by councillors.
On 12/12/22 @cllr_alambritis, Cabinet Member for Transport at #Merton Council signed an order for the permanent closure of Church road during the #Wimbledon #Tennis Championships, despite over 80% of those consulted registering objections. This decision has now been “called in” for review by councillors.
December 10, 1968 — Thomas #Merton — #monk, #poet, #priest, #activist — died in Thailand while attending a conference of #Christian and #Buddhist monks. Merton lived at The Abbey of Our Lady of #Gethsemani near Bardstown, #Kentucky.
Imagine cold winter nights out in that knobby landscape and the sight of the milky way poured across a cobalt sky.
Requiescat in pace.
#poetry #monasticism #Advent #winter #sky
#StarrySky #meteors #Bethlehem
#merton #monk #poet #priest #activist #christian #buddhist #gethsemani #kentucky #poetry #monasticism #advent #winter #sky #starrysky #meteors #Bethlehem
The #Wimbledon #community Forum meets 19.15 on 30 November at Wimbledon Library. The future of #WimbledonPark on is on the agenda. The Forum is convened on behalf of #Merton Council to engage local people in local issues. #AELTC were invited to discuss their planning application to build a massive industrial tennis comp’ex on this #MetropolitanOpenLand (ie #GreenBelt) but turned down the invitation. We’ll still be discussing it anyway #SaveWimbledonPark
#Wimbledon #community #WimbledonPark #merton #AELTC #MetropolitanOpenLand #GreenBelt #SaveWimbledonPark
This is probably one of the smallest pieces of municipal treasure that I have picked up - a London Borough of Merton lapel badge…
#Municipal #merton #Londonboroughs
Some of my other interests/things I geek out on that may not be apparent from my bio:
(In no particular order)
#antiracism #newmexico #parenting #hiking #syncretism #KDramas #DisabilityJustice #adopteerights #transracialadoption #esoterica #nunsreligioussisters #vinedeloriajr #merton #jung #psychedelictherapy #quakers #spiritualdirection #Dogs #climatejustice #needlework
In south London, #Merton Council to replace the (missing) cycle lane wands on Merton High Street (Colliers Wood to Sth Wimbledon Stn) with stepped cycle tracks, before April 2023
Source is public Q&A at full Council 16 Nov'22
#Anomietheorie als #Beschäftigung der #Diskrepanz #zwischen #kultureller #Ziele und #ungleicher #Verteilung von #Mitteln.
#Konformität ist #Privilegiert;
#Innovation ist #Kriminalität;
#Ritualismus ist #Askese;
#Rückzug ist #Verelendung;
#Rebellion ist #Prekariat;
Robert K. #Merton; #Soziologie, #Anomie; Auf den #Schultern von #Giganten;
urspr. 19.05.2020
#Anomietheorie #beschäftigung #Diskrepanz #zwischen #kultur #ziel #ungleich #verteilung #mittel #Konformität #Privileg #innovation #kriminalität #Ritualismus #Askese #Rückzug #Verelendung #rebellion #prekariat #merton #soziologie #Anomie #Schulter #Gigant
#Unterscheidung von #Ambivalenz und #Ambiguität; #Ambiguität als #Zuschreibung einer #Selbstbeschreibung; #Ambivalenz als #Reflexion #unterscheidbarer #Normativer #Erwartungen;
Robert King #Merton - #Sociological #Ambivalence and Other Essays, S. 6ff.
#unterscheidung #ambivalenz #ambiguität #zuschreibung #Selbstbeschreibung #reflexion #unterscheidbar #normativ #erwartungen #Normen #norm #merton #Sociological #Ambivalence
#Sozialer #Status und #Rolle als #Quellen für #soziologische #Ambivalenz durch #Divergenz von #Erwartungen #anderer (#Ego) mit #Inkompatibilitäten bei #Alter.
#Status: #Unterscheidung von #Selbstbild und #Fremdzuschreibung: #Unterschiede im #Umgang mit #Errungenschaften, #Unterscheidung von #Selbstexklusion und #Fremdexklusion;
#Rolle: #Spannung #zwischen #Rollenerwartungen;
Robert King #Merton - #Sociological #Ambivalence and Other Essays, S. 6ff.
#soziale #status #rolle #quelle #soziologisch #ambivalenz #divergenz #erwartung #andere #ego #Inkompatibilität #alter #unterscheidung #Selbstbild #Fremdzuschreibung #unterschied #umgang #Errungenschaft #selbstexklusion #Fremdexklusion #spannung #zwischen #Rollenerwartung #merton #Sociological #Ambivalence