Might be heading out to Utah with Jayden this October… fingers crossed.
She’s never been to a #NationalPark so we’re gonna try to hit #Arches, #Canyonlands, #MesaVerde, and #CapitolReef NPs.
The rough plan is to fly into Salt Lake City, rent a fun car, take the 3.5hr trip to Moab, and post up there for a few days as our base camp.
Ideally I’d love to meet Jayden out there in the Miata, but I just don’t think the timing will work out. Oh well, hopefully we can rent a RWD convertible.
#nationalpark #arches #canyonlands #mesaverde #capitolreef
New #review today: "At this point in the history of music, it might seem that it would be impossible to come up with a kind of #ProgressiveRock that doesn’t sound like things that have come before, either singly (as in “sounds like Genesis”) or in combination (“sounds like a cross between ELP and Pink Floyd”). But I’ve got to say that #MesaVerde’s debut, KY, has a unique sound." #ExposeOnline #ProgRock http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/mesaverde-ky-2.html
#progrock #exposeonline #mesaverde #progressiverock #review
Just got back from a week and a half vacation with my wife. We drove to Santa Fe and Durango. Saw the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, visited a handful of museums, churches and art galleries, took a train and explored Mesa Verde. We also ate a lot of good food! #SantaFe #Durango #NittyGrittyDirtBand #MesaVerde
#santafe #durango #nittygrittydirtband #mesaverde
Cedar Tree Tower ruins, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. From April 1984.
One last look at one of my favorite places, Mesa Verde National Park is known for its cliff dwellings along the mesa walls, but the mesa top pueblo ruins that predate them are just as impressive.
#hiking #photography #landscapephotography #hikingadventures #nature #Colorado #spring #nationalparks #mesaverde #ruins #pueblos #goldenhour
#goldenhour #pueblos #ruins #mesaverde #nationalparks #Spring #colorado #Nature #hikingadventures #LandscapePhotography #Photography #hiking
Cedar Tree Tower ruins, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. From April 1984. Two pics.
One of my favorite places, Mesa Verde National Park is known for its cliff dwellings along the mesa walls, but the mesa top pueblo ruins that predate them are just as impressive.
#hiking #photography #landscapephotography #hikingadventures #nature #Colorado #spring #nationalparks #mesaverde #ruins #pueblos #goldenhour
#goldenhour #pueblos #ruins #mesaverde #nationalparks #Spring #colorado #Nature #hikingadventures #LandscapePhotography #Photography #hiking
(1) #verhaaltje
In 1993 reisde ik naar de westelijke staten van de #vs. De #koffie die ze daar schonken in #nebraska, #colorado, #arizona, #utah en #nevada was eigenlijk #slootwater en daarom was het 2 kopje #gratis.
Op een #camping in het zuiden van #colorado, bij het #nationale #park #mesaverde. kwam ik eindelijk iemand tegen die wist wat #koffie was. Het was de #eigenaar van de camping die 's morgens altijd #koffie voor zichzelf zette in zijn kantoortje. 2 ochtenden mocht ik ...(2)
#eigenaar #mesaverde #park #nationale #camping #gratis #slootwater #nevada #utah #arizona #colorado #nebraska #koffie #vs #verhaaltje
@davidramirer @molosovsky
Kleiner funfact....nebenbei
Wusstet ihr, das es #Mesaverde schon länger gibt als #bettercallsaul ?
Mesa Verde National Park, June 2022.
I really would like to go back there..
#MesaVerde #NationalPark #SilentSunday #Travel #Nature #Photography #Journey
#mesaverde #nationalpark #silentsunday #travel #nature #photography #journey
How about a different #StandingStoneSunday from the North American side of the pond?
Restored #kiva in #MesaVerde #NationalPark #Sunbeam #prehistoric
#standingstonesunday #kiva #mesaverde #nationalpark #sunbeam #prehistoric
Winter day, clearing storm. Mesa Verde National Park 2006
#ArtAdventCalendar #MesaVerde #winter #photography
#artadventcalendar #mesaverde #winter #photography
#archaeology #landscape #visualization from #lidar - 14th in a series, and my 11th post on #ChacoanBeltRoads.
This is belt road is also on #MesaVerde but not on the National Park. It is on #UteMountainUte tribal lands. Note the road leading t the southeast from the architectural block at the center of the loop. The loop is mostly in pinyon/juniper woodland and is not visible at all in aerial imagery.
#archaeology #landscape #visualization #lidar #chacoanbeltroads #mesaverde #utemountainute
#archaeology #landscape #visualization from #lidar - 13th in a series, and my 10th post on #ChacoanBeltRoads.
This is a belt road in the Badger House community on Weatherill Mesa in #MesaVerde #NationalPark in #Colorado. This one is rather faint but also quite large at 550x700 meters.
#archaeology #landscape #visualization #lidar #chacoanbeltroads #mesaverde #nationalpark #colorado
Sometimes I write #travel articles, and recently I got to write about one of my favorite #NationalParks for LAFamilyTravel.com. #MesaVerde is an incredible opportunity to step inside the #history of the land we now call the United States.
#travel #nationalparks #mesaverde #history
Sometimes I write #travel articles, and recently I got to write about one of my favorite #NationalParks for LAFamilyTravel.com. #MesaVerde is an incredible opportunity to step inside the #history of the land we now call the United States.
#travel #nationalparks #mesaverde #history
Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado features pueblo ruins left by cliff-dwelling Anasazi people 600 to 800 years ago. Photo copyright by ©Marty Nelson. #MesaVerde #MesaVerdeNationalPark #nationalparks #parks #ruins #cliffdwellings ##pueblo #Anasazi #ancient #Colorado #USA #southwest #stonemasons #anthropology #archeology #historical #travel #photography
#mesaverde #mesaverdenationalpark #nationalparks #parks #ruins #cliffdwellings #pueblo #anasazi #ancient #colorado #usa #southwest #stonemasons #anthropology #archeology #historical #travel #photography
Hmm, I wonder if the hanging city below the crust of Brittle Hollow in #OuterWilds was inspired by the cliff dwellings at #MesaVerde