@winter #Gnunet (https://www.gnunet.org/en/) also tries to address many of these though it has issues.
Key-based addressing is ultimately the way to deal with collisions and for human-friendly names I consider petnames (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petname) the best solution to Zooko's triangle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooko%27s_triangle).
#Yggdrassil was sort of a response to #CJDNS' shortcomings (https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/faq.html#why-yggdrasil).
#gnunet #meshnet #Yggdrassil #cjdns
@eater @noracodes There's also #AsynchronousCommunication like #NNCP, which makes no assumption of adequacy & fitness of infrastructure (such assumptions are often wrong).
But also some #meshnet projects like #Gnunet do actually (optionally) handle the lower layers of the networking stack (short of physical itself).
#asynchronouscommunication #NNCP #meshnet #gnunet
NordVPN Meshnet 推出免費版 輕鬆設立私人 VPN 網絡提升安全性
VPN 作為用途廣泛的網絡安全工具,一向都很受歡迎,除了使用可靠的 VPN 服務供應商之外,原來也可以自己設立 VPN 伺服器。著名 VPN 供應商 NordVPN 就推出免費的 Meshnet 工具,可以輕鬆設立 P2P VPN 通道。
The post NordVPN Meshnet 推出免費版 輕鬆設立私人 VPN 網絡提升安全性 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#生活科技 #Meshnet #Nordvpn #VPN
@feditips Relays also allow for users to self-host instances from ISPs that don't believe that maintaining the end-to-end principle is part of their job for whatever reason.
With some modification, they would also facilitate #clearnet to and fro #darknet / #meshnet federation.
I've just had an idea: Most people already have WiFi networks that overlap. What if a neighbourhood simply opened them up (while suitably locking them down for security and, if wanted, preventing others from using your internet via a MAC address blacklist/whitelist) and connected to each other to send #Reticulum packets?
We’re hosting a NordTech next week in #Berlin to talk about #Meshnet. If you’re in town and want to know more about it and socialize, that’s the place :-) #Engineering #NordVPN
#berlin #meshnet #engineering #nordvpn
#NordVPN makes its #Meshnet private tunnel free for everyone https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/nordvpn-makes-its-meshnet-private-tunnel-free-for-everyone/
NordVPN open sources its Linux VPN client and libraries
#Nord #nordvpn #meshnet #vpn #linux #opensource
NY ONSDAG, ny CYBER2GO-udsendelse!
* Silicon Valley Bank-kollapset
* #NordVPN med gratis #MeshNet feature
* #Microsoft patcher #Outlook zero-day
Lyt med hvor du normalt finder dine #podcasts, eller på https://cyber2go.buzzsprout.com!
Og hvis du har misset tidligere udsendelser for ugen, er de selvfølgelig også at finde dér! :-)
#cybersikkerhed #cybersec #siliconvalleybank #zeroday #IT #teknik #dkmastodon #fælleshjerne
#nordvpn #meshnet #microsoft #outlook #podcasts #cybersikkerhed #cybersec #siliconvalleybank #zeroday #it #teknik #dkmastodon #fælleshjerne
Great to see a high-quality free product in the #VPN space, it happens occasionally but it's super rare https://www.computerweekly.com/blog/Inspect-a-Gadget/NordVPN-launches-free-Meshnet-file-sharing-peer-to-peer-VPN-tunnel #NordVPN #meshnet #privacy
#vpn #nordvpn #meshnet #privacy
Here https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/events2023 are some interesting #events I’ve squirreled 🐿️ that might hold interest of my mutuals (ha!) & at some of the events we may meet each other … please share & let me know what else to add to this list! #sustainability #tech #ClimateJustice #LikaLodge #meshnet #Amsterdam #hack #conference #meetup
#events #sustainability #tech #climatejustice #LikaLodge #meshnet #amsterdam #hack #Conference #meetup
@meko Have you heard of #NNCP? That's pretty much the best example of such a program that comes to mind.
It doesn't require any connectivity at all in order to work.
#Briar is a bit different but also provides an off-grid messenger. https://briarproject.org/how-it-works/
Even #email tolerates disruption fairly well (https://www.complete.org/asynchronous-communication/).
#AsynchronousNetworking #Offline #Sneakernet #P2P #Resilient #Encryption #Meshnet
#email #asynchronousnetworking #offline #sneakernet #p2p #resilient #encryption #meshnet #NNCP #briar
Have anyone been to #Battlemesh and can recommend it? I'm not currently involved in the #meshnet community but I would like to be in the future.
#battlemesh #meshnet #meshnetworks #wireless #openhardware #hamradio
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @lmorchard It's a good idea. Some good ideas never take off just cos there's no #money in them.
It's like #Meshnet. Not only was it not supported, but in the UK the #network operators were allowed to ban some kinds of #transponders
#money #meshnet #network #transponders
So I'm doing some thinking about #meshnet and #aredn, and how it could benefit from a federated network. Is there a relatively trivial way to federate something with this structure, for ease of moderation and removal of, say, undesirable transmitters from the mesh? #YggdrasilNetwork #fediverse
I'm still pre-amateur at this point, so pardon my ignorance. I'd like to build a federated mesh of communities, which can be community-moderated to cut out bad actors. Anarchist radio, broadcasting community.
#meshnet #AREDN #YggdrasilNetwork #fediverse
Någon som håller på med Raspberry Pi och nätverk?
Funderat tag på att försöka få till ett lokalt mesh nätverk för lokalt uppkopplade prylar.
Kört lite z-wave prylar via en Raspberry Pi med z-wave hat och det har funkat sådär, men det är annars en intressant teknik där flera anslutna enheter är med och förlänger räckvidd i nätverket.
#networking #security #localnetwork #meshnet #raspberrypi
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/nordvpns-meshnet-lets-users-create-their-own-private-networks
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/nordvpns-meshnet-lets-users-create-their-own-private-networks
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1570366869546348545#m
"NordVPN's Meshnet Lets Users Create Their Own Private Networks" by @NordVPN https://hackernoon.com/nordvpns-meshnet-lets-users-create-their-own-private-networks #nordvpn #meshnet
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/nordvpns-meshnet-lets-users-create-their-own-private-networks
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/nordvpns-meshnet-lets-users-create-their-own-private-networks
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1565001485095690248#m
"NordVPN's Meshnet Lets Users Create Their Own Private Networks" by @NordVPN https://hackernoon.com/nordvpns-meshnet-lets-users-create-their-own-private-networks #nordvpn #meshnet