Hello Everybody.
Please bear with me as I explore Mastodon for the first time. I am completely new at this, and there is much I don't know or understand.
I made two test-postings last month, but I really didn't know what I was doing at the time. The subject of the two test-posts was ancient #Mesoamerica, the culture area in which I am most interested. Forward into the unknown!
Maya nose ornament made of human bone found in Palenque – The History Blog
"It is small at just 6.4 cm long by 5.2 cm wide (2.5 x 2 inches) and 5 cm thick at its thickest point on the bottom of the piece. It was created from the anterior section of distal tibia, where the leg and ankle form a joint."
#history #archeology #mesoamerica
Culto en las altas montañas (Iztacíhuatl y Popocatépetl) y los astros.
Spoiler: arqueoastronomía y conciencia ecológica sobre el deshielo y la falta de agua en el valle de México. Conferencia en la UNAM (2022).
#mesoamerica #deshielo #mexico #astronomia #aqueologia
Culto en las altas montañas (Iztacíhuatl y Popocatépetl) y los astros.
Spoiler: arqueoastronomía y conciencia ecológica sobre el deshielo y la falta de agua en el valle de México. Conferencia en la UNAM (2019).
#mesoamerica #deshielo #mexico #astronomia #aqueologia
"due to the frequent use of mercury […] by the Maya of the Classic Period, between 250 and 1100 CE […] pollution is in places so heavy that even today, it poses a potential health hazard
ancient Maya frequently used cinnabar and mercury-containing paints and powders for decoration. This mercury could then have leached […] into the soil and water. […] just like we live today in the Anthropocene, there also was a […] #Mayacene."
#Maya #Mercury #Mesoamerica #Archaeology
#mayacene #maya #mercury #mesoamerica #archaeology
Obsidian is a dark volcanic glass which provides the sharpest cutting edge available in nature. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/2060/obsidian-in-mesoamerica/ #History #Mesoamerica #Obsidian
#Obsidian #mesoamerica #History
1,200-Year-Old Human Skeleton With A Jade Ring Unearthed In El Tigre Archaeological Zone - Ancient Pages
#history #archeology #mesoamerica #mexico
Has The Mysterious Ancient Underground Labyrinth Of Mitla Finally Been Found? - Ancient Pages
#history #archeology #mesoamerica #mexico #zapotec
1,500-year-old Teotihuacan village found in Mexico City – The History Blog
"Three human burials, two adults and one child, were found containing sets of bowls with an annular base typical of Teotihuacan production. The style of the ceramics date the village to between 450 and 650 A.D., the Classic period of Teotihuacan."
#history #archeology #mesoamerica #mexico
When you start to get a bad feeling about your new friends.
#Networking #collaboration #NewFriends #MesoAmerica #conquistador #BadFeeling #Meme
#networking #collaboration #newfriends #mesoamerica #conquistador #badfeeling #meme
For context, here is the section on the #book comparing #mesoamerica verse and #western ones.
Maybe my personal confusion comes from the difference in #symbolism and the translator's own interpretation.
I would need to find my #nahuatl dictionary and try translating it myself some time as practice.
As a side note, ometeotl and omeyocan are something from leon portilla, and are interpretations questioned by newer sources but still show up from time to time. (2/2)
#book #mesoamerica #western #symbolism #nahuatl
Chipping away at the Frederick-Catherwood-meets-Piranesi commission 👀
Commission me to help with moving costs! https://mas.to/@lannan/110527283229265933 (basic character stuff is there, but as you can see I'm open to bigger and weirder!)
#mesoamerica #Aztec #Maya #puuc #Chicano #ChicanoArt #CommissionsOpen #commissions
#commissions #commissionsopen #chicanoart #chicano #puuc #maya #aztec #mesoamerica
@whencyclopedia Thanks for the article. Yet another Mesoamerican culture I need to learn more about. - The article points out a relief sculpture depicting human sacrifice.
As in the movie Apocalypto, you really didn't want to lose a sports match back then. #mesoamerica
El Tajin is located near the coast of eastern Mexico and was an important Mesoamerican centre which flourished between 900 and 1100 CE. https://www.worldhistory.org/El_Tajin/ #History #ElTajin #Mesoamerica #UNESCO
#unesco #mesoamerica #eltajin #History
El secreto de las resistentes edificaciones mayas https://lasendadeapolo.blog/2023/04/29/el-secreto-de-las-resistentes-edificaciones-mayas/ Científicos de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) han logrado desvelar cuál era el secreto de los antiguos constructores mayas, que produjeron morteros y estucos de cal de una durabilidad extraordinaria, que han llegado hasta nuestros días en un excelente estado de conservación: incluyen extractos de plantas. Su trabajo se publica en la revista científica Science Advances #mayas #historia #mesoamerica #construccion #copan #mortero #arquitectura
#arquitectura #mortero #copan #construccion #mesoamerica #historia #mayas
Fascinating: "Pre-Hispanic #Mesoamerica is therefore emerging as an ideal place to examine the different ways that humans coalesced in urban contexts, in both collective and autocratic political formations, without some of the key factors that earlier scholars have traditionally seen as necessary or transformative for the rise of premodern societies." https://www.resilience.org/stories/2023-06-29/archaeology-is-flipping-the-script-on-what-we-know-about-ancient-mesoamerica/
Lessons in sustainability, evolution and human adaptation, courtesy of the Holocene
Texcoco (aka Tezcoco or Tetzcoco), located near the eastern shores of Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico, was the capital of the Acolhua people. https://www.worldhistory.org/Texcoco/ #History #AztecCivilization #Mesoamerica #Tenochtitlan
#tenochtitlan #mesoamerica #azteccivilization #History
Obsidian is a dark volcanic glass which provides the sharpest cutting edge available in nature. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/2060/obsidian-in-mesoamerica/ #History #Mesoamerica #Obsidian
#Obsidian #mesoamerica #History
An Olmec Earth Monster Is Repatriated to Mexico - Atlas Obscura
"The repatriation of an ancient sculpture highlights the influential early Mesoamerican culture. "
#history #culture #mesoamerica #olmec #mexico