PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
1586 followers · 14604 posts · Server mastodon.ie


1. That the mesopelagic layer (200-1000m) deep is so full of "fish" that it messes with sonar.

2. That I should use "fish" because so little is known about them that there's no real helpful taxonomy (fish identification) guides

3. That scientists and governments want to exploit this little known area.

Can't help but feel that ends well. 😕


#mesopelagic #mesopelagicfish #deepscatteringlayer

Last updated 1 year ago

Nathalie Steins · @NathalieSteins
38 followers · 15 posts · Server social.edu.nl

Supercool! My colleagues discovered a new species in the Northeast during the blue whiting survey off the of It's called 'the big little fish' (Microichthys grandis).


#fish #atlantic #coast #ireland #fisheriesscience #marineresearch #mesopelagic

Last updated 2 years ago

Anders Lanzén · @lanzen
133 followers · 116 posts · Server fediscience.org

@raliegar unfortunately could not make it to the meeting here in Bilbao, but I'm proud to stand in and present her poster below about our daring hunt for and other producing microbes in the and other marine strata, using public and in-house s.

#metagenome #mesopelagic #pufa #omega3 #mikrobiogune

Last updated 2 years ago

Julek Chawarski · @jchawarski
34 followers · 24 posts · Server fediscience.org

Not seeing much action here yet, so I thought I'd get the party started here on Mastdon.

This beautiful fish is a (Stomias boa), a predator found across the of deep ocean basins. Typically caught between 400-600 m depth, this immaculate specimen hitched a ride to the surface, ensnared by a single tooth, on the outer mesh of midwater trawl. August 2019, Labrador Sea.

📷 by the talented alexingle.com/

#ccgsamundsen #OTZ #dragonfish #oceantwilightzone #fish #mesopelagic

Last updated 2 years ago