The Matter of Aratta is the modern-day title for a collection of four poems – Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta, Enmerkar and En-suhgir-ana, Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave, and Lugalbanda and the Anzud Bird – concerning the rivalry between the cities of Uruk and Aratta and dated to the Ur III Period (2047-1750 BCE). #History #Lugalbanda #MesopotamianLiterature #MesopotamianNaruLiterature
#mesopotamiannaruliterature #mesopotamianliterature #lugalbanda #History
Mesopotamian Naru Literature was a literary genre, first appearing around the 2nd millennium BCE, which featured a famous person (usually a king) from history as the main character in a story that most often concerned humanity's relationship with the gods. #History #Literature #MesopotamianCulture #MesopotamianNaruLiterature
#mesopotamiannaruliterature #mesopotamianculture #literature #History
Mesopotamian Naru Literature was a literary genre, first appearing around the 2nd millennium BCE, which featured a famous person (usually a king) from history as the main character in a story that most often concerned humanity's relationship with the gods. These stories became very popular and, in time, seem to have replaced the actual historical events in the minds of the people. #Literature #MesopotamianCulture #MesopotamianNaruLiterature
#mesopotamiannaruliterature #mesopotamianculture #literature