My #regionalriffs for the week comes as the new single of my sister's band #Coltaine
It's a mix of #psychedelic #stonerdoom and #blackmetal
They're based around #karlsruhe and #mannheim #BadenWurttemberg #Germany and there are many occasions to witness them live around central Europe. On some of the upcoming dates they'll play together with #Messa
#messa #germany #BadenWurttemberg #mannheim #karlsruhe #blackmetal #StonerDoom #psychedelic #coltaine #regionalriffs
my most listened album of this year:
#Messa - Close
absolute stoner doom masterpiece and one of the best albums of 2022. Had the pleasure to see them live earlier this year
#rubedo #orphalese #italy #metal #StonerDoom #doommetal #messa
Auf geht's in den Festivalsommer! Wie wäre es mit dem #Desertfest in Berlin vom 19. - 21. Mai 2023?
Mit dabei sind unter anderem #KingBuffalo #ChurchOfMisery #Mantar #GreenLeaf #ValleyOfTheSun #Messa #Slift #LAWitch
#LAWITCH #SLIFT #messa #valleyofthesun #greenleaf #mantar #churchofmisery #KingBuffalo #desertfest
Und weil's so schön war und es ein Video davon gibt...
#radio27 #music #messa #DoomMetal #BlackMetal #DarkRock #StonerRock #Drone
#radio27 #music #messa #doommetal #blackmetal #DarkRock #stonerrock #drone
Welche Musik passt jetzt am besten zur Weltuntergangsstimmung? Ohhh ich hab's! Und jetzt träum ich ein bisschen vom Konzert letztes Jahr am Strand, mit Sternenhimmel und den Füßen im Sand verbuddelt..
#radio27 #music #messa #DoomMetal #BlackMetal #DarkRock #StonerRock #Drone
#radio27 #music #messa #doommetal #blackmetal #DarkRock #stonerrock #drone
Gezien: Messa, Merleyn, Nijmegen #messa #nijmegen #concert
the other albums:
#Vihameditaatio - Metafyysinen Käsitys Itsestä
#Häxenzijrkell - Urgrund
#Grieve - Funeral
#Moeror - All That We Seem
#SumerianTombs - s/t
#BlutAusNord - Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses
#PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition - Chapter III: The Astral Drain
#MESSA - Close
#Ziegenhorn - Blut&Kaos
#Saor - Origins
#Misþyrming - Með Hamri
#KRES - Alchemia Pustki
#Vorga - Striving Toward Oblivion
#Vaino - Metsänpeitto
#LunarSpells - Demise of Heaven
#Piołun - Rzeki goryczy
#piolun #lunarspells #Vaino #Vorga #kres #Misþyrming #saor #ziegenhorn #messa #Panzerfaust #blutausnord #SumerianTombs #Moeror #grieve #haxenzijrkell #vihameditaatio
#Messa #Close #cd #SvartRecords
Avontuurlijke Doom uit Italië met hier en daar een fijne Jazz tic
#svartrecords #cd #close #messa
#Messa: #Close
full album #NowPlaying #Doom #DoomMetal #DarkJazz #Metal
#messa #close #NowPlaying #doom #doommetal #darkjazz #metal
Im Februar auf Tour: Messa!
#Messa: #Belfry
full album #NowPlaying #Sludge #Doom #DoomMetal #Metal
#messa #belfry #NowPlaying #sludge #doom #doommetal #metal
I'm fully pro year-end lists - the longer and more idiosyncratic the better! So here's mine.
(I feel like a doof using this many hashtags but I know it's a thing here so…)
#music #musodon #wilco #camilacabello #davidford #aurora #kikagakumoyo #kylalagrange #bobvylan #lissie #titusandronicus #bigthief #themountaingoats #mitski #midlake #theweeknd #willow #buddyguy #buck65 #ghost #ashleymcbryde #wetleg #gabriels #saysueme #starcrawler #noahkahan #lykkeli #messa
#music #musodon #wilco #camilacabello #davidford #aurora #kikagakumoyo #kylalagrange #bobvylan #lissie #titusandronicus #bigthief #themountaingoats #mitski #midlake #theweeknd #willow #buddyguy #buck65 #ghost #ashleymcbryde #wetleg #gabriels #saysueme #starcrawler #noahkahan #lykkeli #messa
Music recap 2022. #gunship #thebandghost #messa #chelseawolfe
#chelseawolfe #messa #thebandghost #gunship
Going to listen to some of the new releases later but for now it's #messa from an album firmly installed in my top 20. #nowplaying
I've been finding a lot of great new (to me) bands lately, but this #metal band called #Messa from Italy is absolutely one of the best. I would describe them as doom metal/blues/jazz. Their album Close has been a frequent replay for me. On youtube:
Their bandcamp:
Ce solo du feu de dieu !
Messa - Serving Him
#Messa #Close
#Doom #Blues #DoomCheck #Drone #Metal #DoomMetal #ScarletDoom
#messa #close #doom #blues #doomcheck #drone #metal #doommetal #ScarletDoom #pouetradio #SortieRécente #AznörthMusique
Le troisième album de Messa, excellent groupe italien de doom metal occulte, avec des virées dans le black, le drone, et le jazz, _Close_, est sorti aujourd'hui ! \o/
Il change encore des deux précédents, avec plus de diversité et d'entrée dans les genres auxquels ils touchaient déjà, et c'est une délicieuse écoute.
#messa #close #doom #doomcheck #black #drone #jazz #pouetradio #SortieRécente #AznörthMusique
Sospesi #eventi, chiuse #discoteche ecc.
Ma per la #messa vale tutto: non serve neppure #greenpass
Verso il #lockdown per assecondare un delirio collettivo.
Il prossimo che dice che l'Italia è paese laico, sputategli anche da parte mia.
#BuonNatale2021 #lockdown #GreenPass #messa #discoteche #eventi
🎶 Cadeau de retour à la maison, je pose ça là :
J'ai hâte d'écouter le reste de l'album à venir...
Encore plein de lecture et écoute à rattraper après 1 semaine de formation à Paris suivi de 10j avec la famille 😃
#musique #messa #metal #notmetal