Saw a lovely moss picture here, tagged with #mosstodon, and that got me thinking we also need #mistodon (gorgeous misty pictures) and maybe #messtodon (celebrating your chaos) and #mustodon (things you just HAVE to do)
#Mosstodon #mistodon #messtodon #mustodon
@boby_biq ha ha well, most of us have been there or are there almost all of the time, I’m very pro- #messtodon for this reason. It’s ok and quite good actually to be an imperfect poster
a special dedication going out to @redoak, in the midst of all the bone breaking social grief is an opportunity to party at the end of the world, your #Messtodon fam loves you
@CliffWade it's a reasonable day but I really want to get into the garage because SO many boxes of books stacked on motorcycles and other stuff!!!!
schön, weil Senf lecker ist und ich ihn gern dazugebe.
#messtodon auch feini, weil Leben oft beschissi ist.
Ich wünschte #mystodon und #messtodon wären aktiv genutzte Hashtags 😅
#mystodon #messtodon #lastboost
Ernest, whose nickname is Mr Way, because he's always in the way. He loves to sleep in doorways so you can't leave without stepping over him.
@kcarruthers If you still have energy pop over to #Messtodon and help us straighten up.
@allofmystudentsrunaway @Lorenanicole What a sweetie. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say 2/3rds cushion😉 I’m officially adding #CatTummies as a category on the hash #Messtodon 😜 #CatsOfMastodon #Knitting
#cattummies #messtodon #catsofmastodon #knitting
@coopeats I quite like #mosstodon but I’m equally sad that #messtodon hasnt quite caught on yet. 😉 #knitting #IDontKnit
#mosstodon #messtodon #knitting #idontknit
@kriegaffe I want #Messtodon Just endless pictures of dishes we haven’t gotten to, piles of unfolded laundry, heaps of ungraded papers and mounds of art supplies that will never fit back in their respective boxes.