Our field experiment on code sharing behavior in the social sciences has been published in PLOS One 🥳 (co-authored by @laura_schaechtele and Andreas Schneck).
Read the full article open access https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0289380
(Main take-aways in the thread below)
#metaRep #openscience #opendata #OpenCode #replication
Proud to announce that our field experiment on code sharing behavior in the social sciences with @laura_schaechtele and Andreas Schneck has been awarded the ESRA Early Career Award 2023!
More information on the paper coming soon…(feel free to check our preregistration in the meantime: https://osf.io/bqjcz)
#esra23 #openscience #metascience #metaRep #reproducibility #replication
#esra23 #openscience #metascience #metaRep #reproducibility #replication
What’s the prior probability of a hypothesis being true in #psychology?
* Dreber et al (2015; 10.1073/pnas.1516179112) give an estimate of 9%.
* Wilson & Wixted (2018; 10.1177/2515245918767122) estimate 6-10% for social psych and 27% for cognitive psych.
Are there any other papers estimating this quantity?
(Asking for our #MetaScience project, where we want to calibrate our agent based model #ABM of academia.)
CC @uebernerd @briannosek @tomhardwicke @EJWagenmakers
#Bayes #metaRep
#metaRep #bayes #abm #MetaScience #psychology