Meta introduces Code Llama, an AI tool aimed at faster coding and debugging - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Benj Edwards)
Meta is adding a... - #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #aicodingtools #textsynthesis #aiassistants #codellama #biz #llama2 #metaai #llama #tech #meta #ai
#ai #meta #tech #llama #metaai #llama2 #biz #codellama #aiassistants #textsynthesis #aicodingtools #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels
Gizmodo: Meta Releases AI to Translate Dozens of Languages Using Speech and Text #applicationsofartificialintelligence #massivelymultilingualspeechsystem #computationallinguistics #massivelymultilingual #technologyinternet #machinetranslation #largelanguagemodel #speechrecognition #multilingualism #speechsynthesis #creativecommons #humaninterest #translation #pacoguzman #metaai #meta #paco
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #massivelymultilingualspeechsystem #computationallinguistics #massivelymultilingual #technologyinternet #machinetranslation #largelanguagemodel #speechrecognition #multilingualism #speechsynthesis #creativecommons #humaninterest #translation #pacoguzman #metaai #meta #paco
Gizmodo: Meta's Next Big Open Source AI Dump Will Reportedly Be a Code-Generating Bot #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #technologyinternet #markzuckerberg #sarahsilverman #metaplatforms #deeplearning #microsoft #facebook #chatgpt #openai #github #google #metaai #aiboom #llama #meta
#generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #technologyinternet #markzuckerberg #sarahsilverman #metaplatforms #deeplearning #microsoft #facebook #chatgpt #openai #github #google #metaai #aiboom #llama #meta
Gizmodo: Meta and Microsoft Introduce Llama 2 AI and It's Open Source #generativeartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #technologyinternet #markzuckerberg #sarahsilverman #stackexchange #durgamalladi #deeplearning #microsoft #chatgpt #openai #metaai #llama #meta
#generativeartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #technologyinternet #markzuckerberg #sarahsilverman #stackexchange #durgamalladi #deeplearning #microsoft #chatgpt #openai #metaai #llama #meta
Originally posted by IEEE ComputerSociety / @ComputerSociety:
Exciting news! Meta AI unveils I-JEPA, an AI model that mimics human & animal learning in computer vision. It compares image representations, infers unknown parts with limited context, and retains object locations. I-JEPA excels in object counting, depth prediction, and adapts to various scenarios with fewer resources. A significant leap in computer vision! Share thoughts on this groundbreaking development! #MetaAI #ComputerVision #AIRevolution 🌐
#metaai #computervision #airevolution
ChatGPT and AI the newest vector for malware: Meta security team - Security researchers at Meta said “bad actors” have flocked to ge... - #malwarecampaign #malwarefamilies #metasecurity #generativeai #analysts #guyrosen #metaai #openai
#openai #metaai #guyrosen #analysts #generativeAI #metasecurity #malwarefamilies #malwarecampaign
Meta introduces AI model that can isolate and mask objects within images - Enlarge / An example of SAM selecting the outline of a corgi in a photo... - #machinelearning #computervision #segmentation #biz #metaai #corgi #meta #sam #ai
#ai #sam #meta #corgi #metaai #biz #segmentation #computervision #machinelearning
You can now run a GPT-3 level AI model on your laptop, phone, and Raspberry Pi - Enlarge (credit: Ars Technica)
Things are moving at lighting s... - #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #biz #metaai #openai #gpt-3 #llama #meta #ai
#ai #meta #llama #gpt #openai #metaai #biz #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels
Meta develops an AI language bot that can use external software tools - Enlarge / An artist's impression of a robot hand using a desktop calcul... - #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #toolformer #biz #metaai #apis #meta #ai
#ai #meta #apis #metaai #biz #toolformer #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels
“Please slow down”—The 7 biggest AI stories of 2022 - Enlarge / AI image synthesis advances in 2022 have made images like thi... - #machinelearning #stablediffusion #imagesynthesis #year-endreview #blakelemoine #stabilityai #midjourney #alphafold #diplomacy #features #chatgpt #biz #cicero #dalle2 #google #metaai #openai #aiart #gpt-3 #lamda #ai
#ai #LamDA #gpt #aiart #openai #metaai #google #DALLE2 #cicero #biz #chatgpt #features #diplomacy #alphafold #midjourney #stabilityai #blakelemoine #year #imagesynthesis #stablediffusion #machinelearning
Meta researchers create AI that masters Diplomacy, tricking human players - Enlarge / A screenshot of an online game of Diplomacy, including a runn... - #larguelanguagemodels #machinelearning #gaming&culture #boardgames #diplomacy #aiethics #biz&it #cicero #metaai #ai
#ai #metaai #cicero #biz #aiethics #diplomacy #boardgames #gaming #machinelearning #larguelanguagemodels
Meta’s AI-powered audio codec promises 10x compression over MP3 - Enlarge / An illustrated depiction of data in an audio wave. (credit: M... - #machinelearning #compression #audiocodec #biz&it #metaai #audio #meta #ai
#ai #meta #audio #metaai #biz #audiocodec #compression #machinelearning
Meta announces Make-A-Video, which generates video from text - Enlarge / Still image from an AI-generated video of a teddy bear painti... - #machinelearning #imagesynthesis #make-a-video #text2video #biz&it #metaai #meta #ai
#ai #meta #metaai #biz #text2video #make #imagesynthesis #machinelearning