#spatialMetabolome meets #spatialMicrobiome - A protocol for the Visualization of #metabolites and #microbes at high resolution.
#spatialmetabolome #spatialmicrobiome #metabolites #microbes
Uwe Sauer from ETH Zürich at #JGI2023:
Metabolite-Protein Interactions - how do they coordinate metabolism in E.coli?
Day 3 of #JGI2023:
#Metabolites, #Viruses, #MobileGeneticElements, #Plants and more!
#jgi2023 #metabolites #viruses #MobileGeneticElements #plants #JGI #genomics
I learned a new word.
Keynote by Dianne Newman from CalTech at #JGI2023
(besides fancy words also covering new phenazine "antibiotics" and the pathways that make them)
#jgi2023 #phenazine #metabolites #pathways #antibiotics
Welcome to Day 2 of #JGI2023 with an exciting agenda:
Morning session: New chemistry from genomes
Afternoon session: The secret lives of fungi and algae
@LBNLBioSci #genomics #DOE #UserFacility #fungi #algae #metabolites
#jgi2023 #genomics #DOE #userfacility #fungi #algae #metabolites
So I got a new paper published! “Genetic analysis of blood molecular phenotypes reveals common properties in the regulatory networks affecting complex traits”. #genomics #paper #eQTLs #pQTLs #metabolites #GWAS #disease
I wrote a thread on our findings on the other place for those inclined to the more academic language (https://twitter.com/anavinuela/status/1693602067741397190). Lot of scientists are still there. But I thought here I would try something a little bit different to avoid the jargon:
#disease #GWAS #metabolites #pqtls #eqtls #paper #genomics
[2022] Pesticides dans l'eau du robinet : pourquoi les seuils des autorités sanitaires inquiètent | Actu https://actu.fr/planete/pollution/pesticides-dans-l-eau-du-robinet-pourquoi-les-seuils-des-autorites-sanitaires-inquietent_54589647.html #eau #metabolites
New NIOO publication: Dynamic effects of #probiotic formula ecologic®825 on human small intestinal #ileostoma #microbiota: a network theory approach. #gutmicrobiota #metabolites #sequencing
#probiotic #ileostoma #microbiota #gutmicrobiota #metabolites #sequencing
"On peut se demander si c’est raisonnable de confier de telles études à l’industriel, relève Jean-François Humbert, directeur de recherche à l’Inrae et vice-président du comité d’experts "Eaux" à l’Anses. Mais c'est ce qu’on fait aussi lors de la mise sur le marché des pesticides. On n’attend pas d’avoir une étude académique indépendante pour les autoriser."
#Eau #Chlorothalonil #Smetolachlore #Metabolites #Pesticides
#eau #chlorothalonil #smetolachlore #metabolites #pesticides
New NIOO publication: Effects of tomato inoculation with the #entomopathogenic fungus #Metarhizium brunneum on #spidermite resistance and the #rhizosphere microbial community. #metabolites
#entomopathogenic #metarhizium #spidermite #rhizosphere #metabolites
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-05-canine-mother-baseline-metabolites.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-05-canine-mother-baseline-metabolites.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1658854897641480196#m
Canine mother baseline #metabolites measured @PLOSONE https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article https://phys.org/news/2023-05-canine-mother-baseline-metabolites.html
1/3 de l'eau potable en France est contaminée aux #métabolites du #chlorothalonil, un pesticide interdit depuis 2020.
Les autorités publiques étaient au courant des risques encourus et n'ont RIEN fait.
Monsieur le Ministre, allez-vous défendre nos vies plutôt que les lobbies?
Plant #SecondaryMetabolites play a key role in the battle against #cancer. Using multi-#omic analysis of Oldenlandia corymbosa, Julca et al. elucidate the #biosynthesis and function of anti-cancer #metabolites.
#PlantScience #BreastCancer
#secondarymetabolites #cancer #omic #biosynthesis #metabolites #plantscience #breastcancer
Find all the reviews from our Microbial IMPACTT review series with Mucosal Immunology in one convenient place: https://www.mucosalimmunology.org/microbial-impactt
#review #immunology #microbiome #mucosalimmunology #germfree #IBD #wildmicrobiome #microbiota #metabolomics #power #samplesize #metabolites
#review #germfree #ibd #wildmicrobiome #MucosalImmunology #microbiota #metabolomics #immunology #microbiome #power #samplesize #metabolites
Plant #flavonoids in #Mediterranean species: A focus on #flavonols as protective #metabolites under #climate stress https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11020172 #IMBEpapers
#flavonoids #mediterranean #flavonols #metabolites #Climate #imbepapers
New Ways to Help the #Immune System Fight #Cancer by NIH https://www.cancer.gov/research/help-immune-system-fight-cancer-infographic #microbiote #metabolites
#immune #cancer #microbiote #metabolites
The journal Metabolites
is now inviting nominations for the Metabolites 2022 Young Investigator Award. See https://mdpi.com/journal/metabolites/awards/1948 for more details.
#ozchem #nzchem #metabolomics #award #science #metabolomics #chemistry #biochemistry #metabolites
#ozchem #nzchem #metabolomics #award #science #chemistry #biochemistry #metabolites
⚠️ Danger ahead – trust your gut feeling!
#Metabolites from pathogenic #bacteria trigger a #stress response in the worm’s #gut
Great #preLight from #CheeKiangEwe who covers a #preprint from the Taylor lab #MRCLMB. Includes an author's response 📝
#metabolites #bacteria #stress #gut #prelight #cheekiangewe #preprint #MRCLMB
I'm Jay, a #postdoc at #UCSF investigating the gut #microbiome and how it modulates health and disease. I'm primarily focused on #IBD, fecal transfers, and colorectal cancers.
Also into #swimming, hiking, exploring nature, and reading -- always happy to get a good book recommendation!
#gutmicrobes #immunology #metabolites #ecoevo #CRC #bioinformatics
#introduction #postdoc #UCSF #microbiome #IBD #swimming #gutmicrobes #immunology #metabolites #ecoevo #crc #bioinformatics