RT @arnauvich
I am very excited to share our work on the faecal #metabolome in inflammatory bowel disease.
A thread with the highlights of the manuscript:
Short video (about 4 1/2 minutes) about recent research in ME/CFS, by Katie Glass:
"Are urine metabolomes different between people with ME/CFS and sedentary controls after exercise?"
The research suggests that "the metabolisms of sedentary controls undergo major changes that allow them to recover from exertion while me/cfs patients fail to make similar adaptive responses."
#mecfs #research #metabolism #metabolome
Amplified drought and seasonal cycle modulate #Quercus #pubescens leaf metabolome https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12040307 #IMBEpapers
#AmplifiedDrought #Mediterranean #forest #metabolome #flavonoids
#Quercus #pubescens #imbepapers #amplifieddrought #mediterranean #forest #metabolome #flavonoids
Happy to share that our work on #metabolomics on VAMS blood #microsamples is now published:
Take home message: store samples at -80C as soon as possible to ensure stability of the (polar) #metabolome.
More to come as part of the #HUMAN_DN doctoral network https://human-dn.eu/
#metabolomics #microsamples #metabolome #human_dn #teammassspec
年明け早々に続けて論文受理連絡。今度はカリウム欠乏下で分泌される化合物のメタボローム解析結果。これがどのように土に働きかけているのかが次の課題。#potassium #metabolome #soybean #北大 #農学部 #作物栄養
#作物栄養 #農学部 #北大 #soybean #metabolome #potassium
Amplified #drought alters leaf #litter #metabolome, slows down litter #decomposition, and modifies home field (dis)advantage in three #mediterranean forests https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11192582 #IMBEpapers #experimental #drought home field advantage (HFA) litter quality #Mediterranean #forest #metabolomics
#drought #litter #metabolome #decomposition #mediterranean #imbepapers #experimental #forest #metabolomics
#Allelopathic potential of #mangroves from the Red River #estuary against the rice #weed #Echinochloa crus-galli and variation in their leaf #metabolome https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11192464 #IMBEpapers #allelopathy #mangrove #barnyardgrass #metabolomics #UHPLC-ESI/qToF #Aegiceras corniculatum #Sonneratia apetala #sulfatedellagicacid #flavonoids #saponins
#allelopathic #mangroves #estuary #weed #echinochloa #metabolome #imbepapers #allelopathy #mangrove #barnyardgrass #metabolomics #uhplc #aegiceras #sonneratia #sulfatedellagicacid #flavonoids #saponins
Journal Club: By examining the blood #metabolome of more than 1,500 people, researchers identified which molecules have their levels determined primarily by gut #bacteria and which are chiefly controlled by #genes. https://www.pnas.org/post/journal-club/tracing-drivers-human-blood-metabolome #microbiome #genome #disease
#disease #genome #microbiome #genes #bacteria #metabolome
Integrated gut #microbiome and #metabolome analyses identified fecal biomarkers for bowel movement regulation by #Bifidobacterium longum BB536 supplementation #personalization
#microbiome #metabolome #bifidobacterium #personalization
Very pleased to see this out. Another huge effort from @SimonMcArthur and his research team.
Cerebrovascular damage caused by the gut microbe-derived uraemic toxin p-cresol sulfate is prevented by blockade of the epidermal growth factor receptor https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.12.516113v1
#gutbrainaxis #microbiome #metabolome #chronickidneydisease