So was digging back on my #TWTR timeline during the #Pandemic and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a #StateSponsoredMalware #SSM™ angle as well as a #PDFSpearPhishing component of a shady #HousingEvictionSpecialist who is well known in the #BayArea , #BrianScarsbeckLaw who is now working with #ToddRothsbardLaw for Todd. Hi Todd! 👋
So, I did a traceback on this #SpearPhishingPDF that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.
Use of #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky client #investigations
#HousingEvictionFraud using #MetaBrigades #GangStalkers who organized a coordinated effort to harass me while I worked for #CiscoSystems.
☣️👋 #Investigations by #infosec_jcp ☣️👋
#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #metabrigades #gangstalkers #ciscosystems #infosec_jcp
So was digging back on my #TWTR timeline during the #Pandemic and found a real banger story I was plate spinning which has a #StateSponsoredMalware #SSM™ angle as well as a #PDFSpearPhishing component of a shady #HousingEvictionSpecialist who is well known in the #BayArea , #BrianScarsbeckLaw who is now working with #ToddRothsbardLaw for Todd. Hi Todd! 👋
So, I did a traceback on this #SpearPhishingPDF that Brian Scarsbeck was serving to HIS CLIENTS AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS which compromises their clients computer and allows full access into said clients systems.
Use of #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky client #investigations
#HousingEvictionFraud using #MetaBrigades #GangStalkers who organized a coordinated effort to harass me while I worked for #CiscoSystems.
☣️👋 #Investigations by #infosec_jcp ☣️👋
#twtr #pandemic #statesponsoredmalware #ssm #pdfspearphishing #housingevictionspecialist #bayarea #brianscarsbecklaw #toddrothsbardlaw #spearphishingpdf #housingiskey #COVID19 #infosec #investigations #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #housingevictionfraud #metabrigades #gangstalkers #ciscosystems #infosec_jcp
This article reads like a #MetaBrigades #CI playbook template but as the I.T. article citation below applies to #TWTR
This article reads like a #MetaBrigades #CI playbook template but ad I.T. applies to #TWTR