Announced Its Partnership with MetaCity
#PressRelease #avrillavigne #metacity
#Pressrelease #AVrilLavigne #metacity #Gate
I've updated my #CyberHack #GTK theme, which now includes:
- GTK2 & GTK3
- #xfwm4
- #metacity / #marco
- #emerald (for #compiz)
- #Plasma color scheme
- #qt5ct color scheme
- #qtcurve setup
No #Kvantum theme yet, but it might come at some point ;)
Do you want your desktop to look like some movie hacker, or sci-fi? Enjoy this theme, which includes a very nice animation each time you focus an entry (aka line edit).
#CyberHack #gtk #xfwm4 #metacity #marco #emerald #compiz #plasma #qt5ct #qtcurve #kvantum #themeing #linux #customization #desktop #theme