Further results of significance for epistemology and metacognition:
"Observers were more accurate and confident on congruent than unisensory trials. Their perceptual and causal confidence were tightly related over trials as predicted by the interactive nature of perceptual and causal inference."
#Philosophy #Metacognition
Significant result for epistemology:
"... congruent audiovisual stimuli produced higher confidence than incongruent audiovisual stimuli, even when the perceptual report was matched across the two conditions. Integrating these behavioural findings with recent neuroimaging and theoretical work, we discuss the role that prefrontal cortex may play in metacognition, multisensory causal inference and sensory source monitoring in general." https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/abs/10.1098/rstb.2022.0347?af=R
#Philosophy #Metacognition
Si quelqu'un·e pouvait m'expliquer l'intérêt (les intérêts ?) qu'ont certaines personnes à diffuser l'idée qu'il n'y aurait pas de #canicule ou de #sécheresse alors qu'autour de moi rivières et sources s'assèchent, que faune et flore crèvent, que la Méditerranéen atteint des records de température ?
J'ai besoin de comprendre ce qui motive ce déni.
#climat #caniculemoncul #Metacognition
#canicule #secheresse #climat #caniculemoncul #metacognition
Generative AI Space and the Mental Imagery of Alien Minds https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/07/generative-ai-space-and-the-mental-imagery-of-alien-minds/?utm_content=buffer84e3c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer #generativeai #llms #neuroscience #metacognition
#generativeai #llms #neuroscience #metacognition
#Top50 💜
Comment favoriser profondément l’engagement, la compréhension et l’autonomie des é ?
Téléchargeable gratuitement, cet ouvrage présente les routines de pensée, outil puissant de #métacognition
👉 https://www.routines-de-pensee.com/le-livre
@Juliehig @catcat_boucher 🙏
Maintenant que nous savons que faire en amont de la #formation (voir Acte 2), Marine Troadec nous explique comment utiliser la #métacognition au début de celle-ci.
Source : Sydologie
Excellent video on cognitive restructuring by Dr Julia Shaw.
How to rewire your brain and tame your dark memories - BBC Reel
#cognitive #restructuring #psychology #memory #metacognition
#cognitive #Restructuring #psychology #memory #metacognition
Espérant tisser ma nouvelle toile par ici, je me suis abonnée à plusieurs #
#MastoProf #TeamPE #TeamProf #TeamEdu #SciencesCognitives #OserFaireClasseAutrement #BougeTaClasse #Numérique #Pédagogie #Métacognition
Et d'autres à suivre ou à créer!
#Mastoprof #teampe #teamprof #teamedu #sciencescognitives #oserfaireclasseautrement #bougetaclasse #numerique #pedagogie #metacognition
Hi #medlibs #librarians #infolit
We often tell library users, "searching is iterative; keep trying different terms and resources"
Does anyone have a nice format or template for iterating -- one that invites users to articulate what was unsatisfactory about the previous iteration? Or, "unsatisfactory" sounds very deficit model -- but what else they want to find, or what their goals are for the next round
#medlibs #librarians #infolit #metacognition #reflection
#Metacognition #Metaknowledge #ParkHealth #491JV3G - ParkHealth Notes | OpenSea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/46316387645623418400861574497267573792497807413262795597612356888606634147841
#metacognition #metaknowledge #ParkHealth #491jv3g
#Metacognition #Metaknowledge #ParkHealth #491JV3G - ParkHealth Notes | OpenSea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/46316387645623418400861574497267573792497807413262795597612356888606634147841
#metacognition #metaknowledge #ParkHealth #491jv3g
#Metacognition #Metaknowledge #ParkHealth #491JV3G - ParkHealth Notes | OpenSea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/46316387645623418400861574497267573792497807413262795597612356888606634147841
#metacognition #metaknowledge #ParkHealth #491jv3g
Sorcières : un nouveau féminisme ? — Méta De Choc
#vulgarisation #educpop #metacognition
In order to self-actualize, that is, in which one does not merely exist and adapt in low-level Darwinian sense, but in a Nietzschean sense, where one prospers, flourishes, and embraces a life of resistance-overcoming, and by such overcoming, realizes one’s full potential, we must possess metacognition, or the knowledge and regulation (including via the use of pharmaceutical) of one's own cognitive processes.
Is this an argument for UHI?
#metacognition #zdzislawbeksinski
NEW PAPER on the #Metacognition of #vision and #TimePerception, with Jennifer Sudkamp and @david_souto . Supported by @wellcometrust, @YorkPsychology and @UoL_SoPVS.
#TimePerception #vision #metacognition
La #métacognition en #éducation est un élément clé de la #réussite scolaire et peut aider les élèves à devenir des apprenants plus efficaces et plus confiants. Dans cette vidéo, Nicolas Gaube aka Un prof heureux souhaite nous expliquer comment aider les élèves à développer leur métacognition et devenir plus autonomes dans leur #apprentissage.
ℹ Vous pouvez retrouver des liens utiles et un document de synthèse dans la description de la vidéo.
#metacognition #education #reussite #apprentissage
Latent Diversity in Human Concepts
"…shows people can have significantly different concepts when using the same word.
…found evidence of multiple variants of the same concept, even when using coarse measures. This variation can lead to misunderstandings and debates, as common ground of even the most basic word meanings may not be perfectly shared.
It's important to be aware of possible variations in our daily conversations."
#metacognition #FalseConsensus #Heterogeneity
#heterogeneity #falseconsensus #metacognition
13 #FormativeAssessments That Inspire Creativity
These are cute activities that make it more fun to engage in ungraded #metacognition about new information.
One thing to beware though: what happens if the learner DOESN'T have the concept straight, but DOES the activity successfully? What if they make a rap or do a drawing that doesn't show understanding of the material?
This is why ungraded quizzes in the LMS are great to first ensure understanding before moving on.
#metacognition #formativeassessments
Fellow #metacognition researchers on mastodon, we need to have a discussion about #meta-d’/d’. Check out our new #preprint: https://psyarxiv.com/kdz34
#preprint #meta #metacognition
@timjan the problem, I believe, is that of #metacognition in non human intelligence. E.g. the knowledge to know what it doesn’t know….