First Meta #QuestPro impressions 🤖
🏋️ Ergonomics are better but quite heavy.
🧐 Pancake lenses are nice with great viewing quality.
👁️ Eye & facial tracking works well for avatars.
🌈 Color passthrough is neat but has quite some reconstruction artifacts like distortionn and grainy. I expected better and hope firmware updates can improve it.
🙌 Did you also get one? What are your first impressions?
#quest #metaconnect2022 #vr #mr #xr #avatars #spatialcomputing #metaquest #metaquestpro #metaverse
#questpro #quest #metaconnect2022 #vr #mr #xr #avatars #spatialcomputing #metaquest #metaquestpro #metaverse
Watching the @Meta #metaconnect2022 summary, I am so happy that human civilization has finally (again) reached the point that I tap the side of my glasses, and music will start playing.
RT @threejs
Excellent talk by @visageofscott and DM Liao at #MetaConnect2022 about building WebXR experiences using @threejs and @Blender ✨
RT @yasei_no_otoko: 引用RTはスマホでインスタント作成されたMeta社員のアバターですが、ここでガチ機材で作成された実写よりも目に光があるザッカーバーグのリアル3Dアバターを見て見ましょう #MetaConnect2022
RT @yasei_no_otoko: 今日の #MetaConnect2022 で一番の発表はAbrash主導のこれだと思うんだけど、みんなQuest Pro予約で寝たのか全然話題になってないな…iPhoneのFaceIDカメラを使って30秒で超リアルアバター作成
現在開催中の #metaconnect2022 でMeta Quest Proがきました。しかも予約開始!最低価格:¥226,800