Exploring Hidden Lyrics on 1990s DCC Audio Tapes - Having a fondness for old and obscure audio and video media formats, [Techmoan] re... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/11/exploring-hidden-lyrics-on-1990s-dcc-audio-tapes/ #homeentertainmenthacks #reverseengineering #digitalaudiohacks #digitalaudio #metadata #lyrics #audio #itts #dcc
#dcc #itts #audio #lyrics #metadata #digitalaudio #digitalaudiohacks #reverseengineering #homeentertainmenthacks
Berlin, here I come!
It's now four years since the last in-person #SWIB conference. #swib23 may well be the last one, so let's try to cherish the opportunity to meet in one place!
I will be an instructor for the #Annif tutorial on Monday, moderate a session & hopefully give a Lightning talk on Tuesday. Looking forward to great talks & ofc dinner and coffee breaks are often the most interesting!
Feel free to stop by if you want to talk about #Annif, #Skosmos, #LLMs, #metadata, #Fennica etc.
#swib #swib23 #annif #skosmos #LLMs #metadata #fennica
We are trying to figure out which distortion correction algorithm is used in the embedded lens correction metadata in Nikon Z series cameras! It seems to not be ptlens (which is used by lensfun).
If this is something you know about, please chime in!
#nikon #metadata #photography #correction #LensCorrection #distortion #NikonZ #lens
#nikon #metadata #photography #correction #lenscorrection #distortion #NikonZ #lens
:blobcatgay: :blobcat_flagLesbian: :blobcat_flagEnby: the Queer Zine Archive Project :blobcat_flagTrans: :blobcat_flagBisexual: :blobcatace:
Join us on October 12, 2023, for the DataCite Annual Community Meeting. Connect with our community and explore exciting sessions about our strategic initiatives, best practices, #metadata, #PIDs, etc.
Register now & share:👇
@ORCID_Org @ResearchOrgs
@crossref @ardc_au
@makedatacount @gabioshka @Mohamadmostafa @kelly
@digitaldogsbody @Iratxe
#metadata #PIDs #openresearch #datacite2023 #openinfrastructure
‘Kamer moet nieuwe AIVD/MIVD-wet controversieel verklaren’ (Villamedia)
#aivd #mivd #geheime_diensten #ctivd #toezichthouder #inlichtingenwet #rechtsstaat #burgerrechten #bulkdatasets #sleepnet #sleepwet #tib #geautomatiseerde_data-analyse #metadata-analyse #evaluatiecommissie #tib #Wet_op_de_inlichtingen-_en_veiligheidsdiensten #wiv #bulkdata #veiligheidsdiensten #kabelinterceptie #nctv #hackwet
#hackwet #nctv #kabelinterceptie #veiligheidsdiensten #bulkdata #wiv #wet_op_de_inlichtingen #evaluatiecommissie #metadata #geautomatiseerde_data #TiB #sleepwet #sleepnet #bulkdatasets #burgerrechten #rechtsstaat #inlichtingenwet #toezichthouder #ctivd #geheime_diensten #mivd #aivd
Als je ooit foto's (voor anderen) maakt, is wat mij betreft één van de grootste zondes dat je de tijd-metadata er uit haalt. En als je bestanden hernoemt, zorg dan op z'n minst ervoor dat ze in chronologische volgorde blijven.
Het heeft me al zo vaak zoveel tijd en energie gekost om dat te fixen.
En natuurlijk, als ze publiekelijk (online) gebruikt worden, is het prima om het te verwijderen.
Currently speeding down the West Coast Main Line to sunny #Birmingham, and finishing my slides as I enjoy views of the Lake District. #CILIPMDG23 kicks off tomorrow. It's going to be scorching over the next couple of days so I hope the conference venue has air conditioning! 😃
#birmingham #cilipmdg23 #discovery #metadata #repositories #retrieval #openresearch
Hello Fediverse!
We are the #KOMET project. We are new here and we would like to introduce ourselves briefly!
With the help of funding from the @bmbf_bund, we are working on the transformation of science towards a diverse and participatory #OpenAccessCulture over the next 2 years.
Our goal is to help independent and often #scholarled OA journals professionalise their metadata processes.
#komet #openaccessculture #ScholarLed #openaccess #metadata #opendata #ojs #PIDs #introduction
Wir werden hier auf deutsch und englisch schreiben.
Wir, das sind erst einmal @hauschke von der @tibhannover und @nuest von der @tudresden.
In den nächsten Wochen werden wir das Projektteam vervollständigen. Stay tuned, hier und auf unserer Projektwebseite https://projects.tib.eu/komet/!
#openaccess #ojs #metadata #wisskomm
Heading to the 'Re-Discovery': Metadata & #Discovery Group Conference in Birmingham next week. Looking forward to Brum! Presenting two papers:
Modelling research output expressions : #metadata #schema modelling of publication lifecycles and #scholarly entities https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/85166/
Authority of assertion in #repository contributions to the #PID graph https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/85167/
I'll throw the slides up at these locations too, once I have actually created them. 😀 #PIDs #PersistentIdentifiers
#discovery #metadata #schema #scholarly #repository #pid #pids #persistentidentifiers
Sometimes I wish big piles of metadata existed because it would be super helpful for a problem I’m working on….
….but then it turns they do exist! but no one talks about them, they’re in some random location, collected for an entirely different reason, by people I’ve never heard of before.
#data #metadata
"This article offers the following 11 quick tips that researchers can follow to more effectively and precisely discover data that meet their specific needs."
Gregory K, Khalsa SJ, Michener WK, Psomopoulos FE, de Waard A, et al. (2018) Eleven quick tips for finding research data. PLOS Computational Biology 14(4): e1006038. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006038 #OpenAccess #OA #Education #Paper #Science #Research #Data #Metadata #Database #Search #Tips #Academia #Academic #Academics @science @data
#openaccess #science #metadata #search #academia #oa #education #data #academic #paper #research #database #tips #academics
Neu in correspSearch: Geliebter Vater und treuster Freund - Der Briefwechsel des Königspaares Carol I. und Elisabeth von Rumänien mit Fürst Karl Anton von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen aus dem Rumänischen Nationalarchiv in Bukarest (1866-1885) : Teil I: (1866-1876) Anfangsjahre des Fürsten Carol I. in Rumänien : Teil II: (1877-1885) Unabhängigkeit Rumäniens und Erhebung zum Königreich, edited by Silvia Irina Zimmermann, Ibidem Verlag, 2022. https://correspsearch.net/de/suche.html?e=f32e3d8c-af86-4477-b088-5d5bd69bce36 #briefe #briefedition #metadata
#Briefe #briefedition #metadata
Neu in correspSearch: Rilke, Rainer Maria, und Agnes Therese Brumof. Soll man es wagen? Briefwechsel zwischen Rainer Maria Rilke und Agnes Therese Brumof (1918-1926). Herausgegeben von Achim Aurnhammer und Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Schwabe, 2022.http://doi.org/10.24894/978-3-7965-4681-5 https://correspsearch.net/de/suche.html?e=s81ca2df-0684-4cae-ba01-ff24dce43326 #briefe #briefedition #metadata #correspondence
#Briefe #briefedition #metadata #Correspondence
Neu in correspSearch: Gertrud von le Fort – Friedrich Gogarten: Briefwechsel 1911–1927, herausgegeben von Horst Renz. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110254518 https://correspsearch.net/de/suche.html?e=mbb8c4f8-3e40-45d8-9e21-5f3a11aebfc0 #briefe #briefedition #metadata #correspondence
#Briefe #briefedition #metadata #Correspondence
To file under annoyance:
Research funding body collecting metadata for a searchable index: "Delete the researchers who do not have an ID (e.g. ORCID) as our business policy does not allow for that."
Same research funding body in their contract: " You must follow the Code of Responsible Research which states that all authors must be credited and does not allow for 'ghost authors.'"
University policy: "All individuals making a significant contribution must be listed as authors on any research output. Further information in the Code of Responsible Research."
The solution given by the research funding body is just to make an ORCID record but that just seems ethically icky.
Sometimes trying to participate in recorded public life + social media can feel so complicated + painful.
Stories like this remind me that the sacred, secular, profound, profane, + marginal matter
"And Then, One Day, the Air was Full of Voices" by Margaret Ronald : Clarkesworld Magazine – Science Fiction & Fantasy
#sciencefiction #academics #conventions #extinction #sociology #technology #mastodon #metadata #xeno
Social cards are generated based on #metadata present in web pages. If the author does not create the metadata, the service will not create the card. What do we do for web pages that predate this metadata?
A lot of #Automatic #Summarization techniques can help us create the description part of social cards, but what about the image? In 2021, we found that Random Forest #MachineLearning can help choose the correct image using easy-to-calculate features.
#metadata #automatic #summarization #machinelearning
This article emphasizes the need for unifying AI and semantic technologies. The same can be said for data, which is gibberish without metadata. But in this case, both humans and machines need documentation for understanding datasets.
#AI #data #metadata