The Tale Foundry öffnet hier so ein bisschen die Tür zur #Metafiction. Es bleiben vielleicht ein paar interessante Möglichkeiten ungenannt. Das Video ist dessen ungeachtet für Autor:innen und Leser:innen jedoch augenöffnend oder gar stimulierend.
This gave me some more things to add to my reading list.
Blurred Lines: A Reading List of Metafiction ‹ Literary Hub
In a sprawling two hour episode worthy it's subject matter Reg and Patrick do a deep dive into the seminal Charlie Kaufman meta-fictional film ADAPTATION, where they talk New Journalism, post-modernism, the nouveau-shamanism of Nicholas Cage, The Orchid Thief, the era of Chris Cooper, flowers, occupational envy, writer's block and their personal limits for just how much pathetic sad sack they can tolerate from Charlie Kaufman.
Of course discussion of Judy Greer, who in her brief role of Alice the waitress paints a vivid portrait of the mercenary nature of server flirtation, eventually comes up as well. Also we pitch movies where Judy Greer plays double roles, ideas for other non-fiction adaptations and even recap the plot of Face-Off. I told you, it's that sprawling New Yorker shit.
#movie #film #podcast #moviepodcast #filmpodcast #charliekaufman #nicolascage #judygreer #comedy #metafiction #postmodern #adaptation #spikejonze #merylstreep #flowers #momsaiditwaspsychologicallytaut
#momsaiditwaspsychologicallytaut #flowers #merylstreep #spikejonze #adaptation #postmodern #metafiction #comedy #judygreer #nicolascage #charliekaufman #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #podcast #film #movie
#Hypnotic: #RobertRodriguez made another film that's a thinly-veiled allegory for filmmaking? Sold!
Full review at Mahan's Media: #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #scifi #thriller #psychological #crime #benaffleck #alicebraga #jefffahey #jackieearlehaley #williamfichtner #constructedreality #metafiction #FindLevDellrayne
#hypnotic #robertrodriguez #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #scifi #thriller #psychological #crime #benaffleck #alicebraga #jefffahey #jackieearlehaley #williamfichtner #constructedreality #metafiction #findlevdellrayne
Book historians allergic to metafiction: what's your go-to response when friends keep kindly recommending works of metafiction? (or am I the only #bookhistory person around who hates #metafiction, be it highbrow or lowbrow as long as it's not #TristramShandy?)
#bookhistory #metafiction #tristramshandy
Wenn Ihr in #Berlin seid, solltet Ihr das sehen!
Bezaubernd, bunt, schräg, poetisch und ein kleines bisschen unheimlich:
"The Metafiction Cabaret" mit "Alice - ein Punkquartett"
Es gibt nur noch vier Vorstellungen in den kommenden zwei Wochen.
#Metafiction #Theater #Musik #Punk #Köpenick #Treptow
#berlin #metafiction #theater #musik #punk #kopenick #treptow
#TheAmazingMaurice: #Discworld goes to the big screen with an entertaining #fairytale riff, full of fun performances and the kind of #metafiction that's like catnip to me.
Full review at Mahan's Media: #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #animated #talkinganimals #fantasy #comedy #tobygenkel #terrypratchett #hughlaurie #emiliaclarke #davidthewlis #himeshpatel #davidtennant
#theamazingmaurice #discworld #fairytale #metafiction #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #animated #talkinganimals #fantasy #comedy #tobygenkel #terrypratchett #hughlaurie #emiliaclarke #davidthewlis #himeshpatel #davidtennant
"The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner": a 200 years old forerunner of literary #metafiction.
(via @publicdomainrev)
#books #ebooks #bookstodon #writers #WritingCommunity #EnglishLiterature
#metafiction #books #ebooks #bookstodon #writers #writingcommunity #englishliterature
the social media experience is chaotically meta rn. it feels like half of all communication is about communication (not in an elegant or moving way, as in the manner of #poetry or #metafiction) / half of all social media posts are about social media. it's not unenjoyable, but it does feel like a devolved form of social connection #socialmedia
#poetry #metafiction #socialmedia
#DepthPsychology in a nutshell? Baby's first #metafiction? Either way, it's lovely, funny, and wise. Stone's THE MONSTER AT THE END OF THIS BOOK.
Read it online:
A dip into writer's block: François Ozon's SWIMMING POOL (2003) offers "an intergenerational female character study full of eroticism and intrigue, with a profound enigma at its heart and a strong element of metafiction to its murder mystery." On #ARROWPlayer from today #WritersBlock #Mystery #Metafiction #CreativeProcess
#arrowplayer #writersblock #mystery #metafiction #creativeprocess
Today's "was reminded of" is an eight-year-old webcomic:
#webcomic #hopepunk #stories #storytelling #metafiction #metaphor
#webcomic #hopepunk #stories #storytelling #metafiction #metaphor
Introduction post: I'm a senior university lecturer of #EnglishLiterature at the #UniversityOfHelsinki in #Finland.
I work in #CognitiveLiteraryStudies and #narratology, particularly #4ECognition, #metafiction and #SpeculativeFiction.
#speculativefiction #metafiction #4ECognition #narratology #CognitiveLiteraryStudies #finland #UniversityOfHelsinki #englishliterature