I just hate SUVs so, so much. I can't stop thinking about spatial justice from intersectional perspectives.
#metalboxes #waroncars
So working on the Rhino out of the Combat Patrol box and not sure if I should bother painting the interior or not given that it will probably never be seen.
Then again if I was going to do that I should really have left the whole thing un assembled so I could actually get in to paint everything. Oh well.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #adeptasororitas #newyearnewarmy #rhinoapc #metalbox #metalboxes
#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #AdeptaSororitas #newyearnewarmy #rhinoapc #metalbox #metalboxes
Parking protected car parking. 😑
Is Portland Bureau of Transportation on Mastodon yet? Reported to PDXreporter.org #FossilBurners #MetalBoxes #PDX #Downtown
#fossilburners #metalboxes #pdx #downtown