Dernier jeu fini en date : #MetalGear: #GhostBabel sur Game Boy Color (sorti chez nous sous le nom de Metal Gear Solid, mais pour le différencier de celui sur PS, je préfère lui donner son nom japonais). Il n'est pas dans la trame principale de cette célèbre série de jeux d'#infiltration, mais il reste tout de même très cool à faire. J'ai passé un très bon moment. 😋
#metalgear #ghostbabel #infiltration
❗ 📦 Atzo aipatzea pasa zitzaigun, baina bideojokoen munduko titulurik maitatuenetako batek 25 urte bete zituen: Hideo Kojima garatzailearen Metal Gear Solid ikaragarriak!
Solid Snake|kin espioitza taktikoan ibilitakoa zara? Edo agian Big Boss nahiago duzu?
Zorionak dena den, Snake!
#bideojokoak #metalgear #solidsnake
I've just finished assembling my Metal Gear Rex model kit by Katobukiya. It was my first time building a model kit like this, and I loved it. Kudos to how well made the parts are.
It took me around 15 hours to assemble the ~330 parts.
Metal Gear Solid was released 25 years ago on 3rd September 1998.
One of the craziest games ever made and the one that took the series to worldwide fame and success. One of the games that made 1998 probably the greatest year in videogame history.
#1998invideogames #mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid
I just realised that Ben 10's grandfather Max is voiced by the same actor who voices Roy Campbell in the Metal Gear series.
For some reason, MetalGearSolid always lives on in Soulsborne.
#metalgear #metalgearsolid #mgs #soulsborne #elden
The #MetalGear Solid collection announced a while back that they wouldn't be re-recording the #Voice #Acting lines, which made me wonder how they'd handle the codec because every game in the series goes over the controls in voiced conversations using playstation terms, i.e. "Press the triangle button."
Well, they just showed a video of how it works, and holy shit this is so tacky (@5:56 if not timestamped right):
tl;dr: they just mute the audio when it comes up lol
Kotaku: Some New Metal Gear Solid Collection Games Are Barely HD #gaming #tech #kotaku #draftmetalgearsolidmastercollection #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #metalgearsolidhdcollection #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamesequels #metalgearsolid3 #metalgearsolid4 #metalgearsolid2 #metalgearsolid #playstation3 #windowsgames #hideokojima #snakeeater #solidsnake #metalgear #nintendo #konami #naomi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #draftmetalgearsolidmastercollection #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #metalgearsolidhdcollection #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamesequels #metalgearsolid3 #metalgearsolid4 #metalgearsolid2 #metalgearsolid #playstation3 #windowsgames #hideokojima #snakeeater #solidsnake #metalgear #nintendo #konami #naomi
#shorts #個人勢Vtuber #個人VTuber #metalgear #バイオハザード #新人vtuber #vtuber #youtube
Metal Gear, la serie ha raggiunto le 60 milioni di copie vendute
#mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid #venomsnake #bigboss #skullface #palacecourt
'Comfort in Company', an old collab oneshot rehashed
#MGS #MetalGear #MetalGearSolid #AO3 #fanfic #fanfiction
#mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid #ao3 #fanfic #fanfiction #palacebanquet
New instance, new intro post. Right?
Hey there folks, the name's Spencer. I'm a 30-something that writes gaming, TV, and film articles for Sportskeeda and Collider. I spent some time on the Fediverse a few months ago but left to focus on my well-being. Hoping to meet some new and familiar folks here on!
Happy to be on the Fedi again, hoping to make this stay a permanent one.
#gaming #fightinggames #fgc #mecha #gundam #metal #horror #writer #scifi #startrek #metalgear
They call him Otacon for a reason.
#otacon #otakon #halemmerich #mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid
#otacon #otakon #halemmerich #mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid
'We Grew Up So Well', my newest collab fic, chapter 1
#MGS #MetalGear #MetalGearSolid #AO3 #fic #fanfic #fanfiction
#mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid #ao3 #fic #fanfic #fanfiction
This video is probably in penetrable for anyone not familiar with the franchise.
But I thought it was a hilarious explanation of the series (that I love)
Just a lil #Raiden from #metalgearsolid
#mgs #metalgear
#raiden #metalgearsolid #mgs #metalgear
hot hospital
#MGS #MetalGear #MetalGearSolid #BigBoss #VenomSnake #ColonelVolgin #ManOnFire
#mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid #bigboss #venomsnake #colonelvolgin #manonfire #palacetheatre
these little guys are such high quality, props to the designers and the Fangamer team! the only real complaint is that the magnets are small and weak, but I don't mind too much 💕
#MGS #MetalGear #MetalGearSolid #Otacon #HalEmmerich #SolidSnake #plush #plushie #plushies
#mgs #metalgear #metalgearsolid #otacon #halemmerich #solidsnake #plush #plushie #plushies #palacebanquet