25 jaar
6 december 1956-19 maart 1982
Amerikaans gitarist en zanger, die postuum een eigen model gitaar kreeg, de #Charvel Randy Rhoads flying V. Oprichter van #hardrockband #QuietRiot en vooral gitarist van de band van #OzzyOsbourne.
Wat hij steeds is blijven doen is gitaarles geven aan jongeren, soms zelfs gratis.
Hij bracht samen met Quiet Riot 2 albums uit, maar de groep brak pas door met het album #MetalHealth uit 1983.
Maar bij de band
#randyrhoads #charvel #hardrockband #quietriot #ozzyosbourne #metalhealth #gonetoosoon
“Cum On Feel The Noize” by Quiet Riot (1983)
#cumonfeelthenoize #metalhealth #quietriot #hardrock #music
#cumonfeelthenoize #metalhealth #quietriot #hardrock #music
#HeavyMetal has a positive impact on mental health! |m| #MetalHealth https://youtu.be/mhD0s0QmdXI #notafraidtoshareemotions
#heavymetal #metalhealth #notafraidtoshareemotions
Psychological abuse. Today’s cartoon by Falco. More cartoons: https://cartoonmovement.com/search?query=&sort=created&order=desc
#metalhealth #psychology #psychologicalabuse
40 years ago today, Quiet Riot released their third studio album, Metal Health (1983). It would be the first heavy metal album to reach number one on the Billboard 200 album chart. #QuietRiot #MetalHealth #80s #80smusic #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #80smusic #80s #metalhealth #quietriot
When the fuck does someone get held to account for school bullying. She took her own fucken life cause she couldn't face the crap any longer and none of the bullies will ever be held to account for that. I catch one of these fuckers and there won't be a gravestone.
#schoolbullying #metalhealth #suicide
me every morning #mentalhealth #metalhealth #pokemon
#pokemon #metalhealth #mentalhealth