This is cute. The army of Saint Louis (Louis IX of France) departing from Aigues-Mortes escorted by angels (1248), Seventh Crusade, engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) from History of the Crusades by Joseph-Francois Michaud (1767-1839), 1888 edition.
#History #Mastodon #Funny #FrenchHistory #France #Weird #Cute #Funny #Histodons #Histodon #Historical #Art #Photography #ArtHistory #Thursday #Friday #Historian #WeirdHistory #Metal #MetalHistory #Book
#book #metalhistory #metal #WeirdHistory #historian #friday #thursday #arthistory #photography #art #historical #histodon #histodons #cute #weird #France #Frenchhistory #funny #Mastodon #history
Couldn’t balance my Cabala checkbook, forgot to add ‘Influence of the moon on reading the signs of the Cabala (Kabbalah), miniature from Cabalistic treaty, Greek manuscript, 16th century.’ Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana. DeAgostini/Getty Images.
#thursday #art #religion #history #photography #histodons #weird #funny #metal #metalhistory #weirdhistory #mastodon #share #histodon #arthistory #books #book
#book #books #arthistory #histodon #share #Mastodon #WeirdHistory #metalhistory #metal #funny #weird #histodons #photography #history #religion #art #thursday
Can we revive this practice immediately? Zoppot sports week, javelin throwing from a moving car 1922. 'Zeitbilder' 31/1922. Vintage property of ullstein bild/Photo Carl Fernstaedt/ullstein bild via Getty Images.
#thursday #history #sports #photography #histodons #histodon #weird #funny #weirdhistory #metalhistory #metal #art #historical #culture #historian
#historian #culture #historical #art #metal #metalhistory #WeirdHistory #funny #weird #histodon #histodons #photography #sports #history #thursday
Old millennials, remember school and the summation of #Thanksgiving in U.S. history was “maize means corn?” Problematic. Just enjoy this lovely ceramic vase depicting a priest with joined hands, Moche culture. Pre-Inca civilization, Peru, 4th-9th century C.E.
#History • #archeology • #histodon • #histodons • #weirdhistory • #metalhistory • #Mastodon • #artifact • #Peru • #newhere
#newhere #peru #artifact #Mastodon #metalhistory #WeirdHistory #histodons #histodon #archeology #history #thanksgiving
Found my Halloween costume for next year! This gem is from The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen, captioned “An Inhabitant of the Moon.” Rudolf Erich Raspe (1737-1794) was the first scribbler to lay down Hieronymus Karl Friedrich, Baron (Freiherr) von Münchhausen’s (1720-1797) war stories in book form, which was later expanded by other writers. #history • #histodons • #historians • #histodon • #WeirdHistory • #MetalHistory • #art • #books • #arthistory • #thursday #vibe
#vibe #thursday #arthistory #books #art #metalhistory #WeirdHistory #histodon #historians #histodons #history
🧵 1/3 This is #Russian #artist Dmitry Vrubel, restoring his #historic mural of #Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev (saucy minx to left) frenching former communist East #German leader Erich Honecker at a surviving portion of the Berlin Wall on June 22, 2009 in #Berlin, #Germany. #history #histodons #histodon #WeirdHistory #MetalHistory #art #historian #introduction #wednesday
#wednesday #introduction #historian #art #metalhistory #WeirdHistory #histodon #histodons #history #Germany #berlin #german #soviet #historic #artist #russian
#weird #history • #histodon • #metalhistory • #historian • #20thcentury •#podcastodon • #PodcastersofMastodon • #podcast • #podcasts
#podcasts #podcast #podcastersofmastodon #podcastodon #20thcentury #historian #metalhistory #histodon #history #weird
8/8 on November 17, with combat not subsiding until next day. U.S. casualties numbered 234 dead and 242 wounded, and North Vietnamese deaths totaled 1,500. Ia Drang marked the moment the powers that be first woke to the hard reality that Vietnam would be no cake walk. #History #Histodon #vietnam #metalhistory
#metalhistory #vietnam #histodon #history
Who told y’all #history was an easy exercise? It’s super metal. Pictured: me being dramatic af on a research and writing bender. (In all seriousness, it’s the Death of Marat by his brah Jacques-Louis David, getting real neoclassical with it) #metalhistory #histodon
#histodon #metalhistory #history
@srtcd424 I KNOW. I remember it was November 12th, and I had too. It’s internet that comforts my old millennial self 😂 #metalhistory