Bin hier gerade unterwegs nach Hamburg und nutze für derlei Fahrten gerne flixtrain. Einfach weil Preis/Leistung unschlagbar gut ist. Wenn aber bei Temperaturen von über 25Grad ein Zugbegleiter mit einen Schraubendreher die Schiebefenster öffnen muss, dann fage ich mich , wie genau die es mit der Instandhaltung ihrer Züge bzw Wagons nehmen...
#flixtrain #flixbus #metaljourney
#ParadiseLost missed the opportunity to put a song called Paradise Lost on the album Paradise Lost. Bummer.
The album however is good, 3,5 out of 5.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Believe In Nothing 3,5
3. Icon 3,5
4. Paradise Lost 3,5
5. Symbol of Life 3,5
6. One Second 3
7. Lost Paradise 2,5
8. Host 2,5
9. Shades Of God 2,5
10. Gothic 2
Paradise Lost is Paradise Lost's 10th studio album. Gothic and Doom Metal is back.
It was released in 2005, the year I enrolled at the university. A life changing year for myself.
In other news, Rapid Wien won the Austrian Football Bundesliga that year.
#NowPlaying Don't Belong on my #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney
#metaljourney #paradiselost #nowplaying
#ParadiseLost #Metaljourney update:
God, PL are productive, 9 albums in just 12 years... I am running out of characters because the ranking at the bottom is eating them up.
And now I wasted so many characters writing about that so already all I can say is #SymbolOfLife is a good album and deserves 3,5 stars out of 5.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Believe In Nothing 3,5
3. Icon 3,5
4. Symbol of Life 3,5
5. One Second 3
6. Lost Paradise 2,5
7. Host 2,5
8. Shades Of God 2,5
9. Gothic 2
#symboloflife #metaljourney #paradiselost
Yeah also this spin doesn't change the fact that I like #BelieveInNothing
It's a good album (3,5 out of 5) and enters my preliminary #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney ranking at #2
Side note: with Divided they have a James Bond song on this album. I never noticed before.
Another note: "Never Again" features Peter Steele on vocals.*
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Believe In Nothing 3,5
3. Icon 3,5
4. One Second 3
5. Lost Paradise 2,5
6. Host 2,5
7. Shades Of God 2,5
8. Gothic 2
*alternative fact
#metaljourney #paradiselost #believeinnothing
Fader was the first #ParadiseLost song I ever listened to. I know that PL fans don't really like that the album #BelieveInNothing but I like the song a lot, so I am glad that this album is next on my PL #Metaljourney.
#NowPlaying Paradise Lost - Fader
#nowplaying #metaljourney #believeinnothing #paradiselost
#Host is the next album on my #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney
There is nothing left from where they started 7 years earlier with Lost Paradise, but that doesn't need to be a bad thing. I find this album as entertaining as their debut, just in a very different way.
Dark Rock ist still not really my thing, so I'll probably won't add this into my rotation. 2,5 out of 5.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Icon 3,5
3. One Second 3
4. Lost Paradise 2,5
5. Host 2,5
6. Shades Of God 2,5
7. Gothic 2
#metaljourney #paradiselost #host
Time to pick up where I left things with my #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney
Next up: One Second ...with keyboards? 🎹
#NowPlaying Paradise Lost - One Second
#nowplaying #metaljourney #paradiselost
#MorbidAngel #MetalJourney continues with #FormulasFatalToTheFlesh
(Studio albums only so skipping E)
I was expecting a much faster decline but MA continue to pump out solid albums. I’m not sure how much I would go back to this but it had some moments of brilliance.
Current ranking:
1) Altars of Madness (5*)
2) Covenant (4*)
3) Formulas Fatal To The Flesh (3*)
4) Domination (3*)
5) Blessed are the Sick (3*)
#formulasfataltotheflesh #metaljourney #MorbidAngel
#MorbidAngel #MetalJourney continues with #Domination.
We seem to have entered MA’s “tone down the intensity and vary the musical style” period. This is sometimes a disaster but here I’d say it works about 60% of the time. Could definitely see this being the one my opinion changes of the most in future.
Current ranking:
1) Altars of Madness (5*)
2) Covenant (4*)
3) Domination (3*)
4) Blessed are the Sick (3*)
#domination #metaljourney #MorbidAngel
µverdict on #DraconianTimes (after 1 spin): great, 4/5.
It might even be masterpiece tier (4,5) after a couple of more spins.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Icon 3,5
3. Lost Paradise 2,5
4. Shades Of God 2,5
5. Gothic 2
#metaljourney #paradiselost #draconiantimes
#Iconic sounds great so far.
I hear some Metallica and Godsmack... I wonder who influenced who 🤔
But for sure this is my favourite album on this #ParadiseLost #Metaljourney !
#NowPlaying Colossal Rains
#nowplaying #metaljourney #paradiselost #iconic
Onto 4 of 16 on my #ParadiseLost #Metaljourney : #Icon (1993)
This is the first time now that #ParadiseLost sounds like the Paradise Lost I know.
#NowPlaying Embers Fire
#nowplaying #icon #metaljourney #paradiselost
#MorbidAngel #MetalJourney continues with #Covenant.
Those of you hyping this one up were definitely right! It’s a bit repetitive in places, as opposed to Altars which just kept throwing new brilliance at you, but there is brutal riffage throughout.
Current ranking:
1) Altars of Madness (5*)
2) Covenant (4*)
3) Blessed are the Sick (3*)
#covenant #metaljourney #MorbidAngel
#MorbidAngel #MetalJourney part 2 - #blessedarethesick
For some reason I’d never listened to any MA album other than Altars.
Surprise surprise, Blessed is also good! Not as good of course, but very solid. More thrashy so almost feels like it should have come out first. Decent amount of variety and doesn’t outstay its welcome.
Current ranking:
1) Altars of Madness (5*)
2) Blessed Are The Sick (3*)
#blessedarethesick #metaljourney #MorbidAngel
@tempeh I love it, the first #Metaljourney I see in the wild that is not done by me! Keep em coming! 🤘
First ever #Metaljourney ! Getting started with #MorbidAngel and first up is #AltarsOfMadness. Not much to say really - absolute cornerstone of the genre and for good reason.
Current ranking:
1) Altars of Madness (5*)
(Cheating slightly because I already listened to this earlier)
#altarsofmadness #MorbidAngel #metaljourney
Number 2 of 16 on my #ParadiseLost #Metaljourney is Gothic. And the name already gives it away, there's lots of #Gothic elements on here.
The one track that really stood out for me was Eternal. It is strangely catchy.
Overall the gothic style is not really my cup of coffe, but there were some songs I did enjoy.
Hence my rating: 2/5
1. Lost Paradise 2,5
2. Gothic 2
#gothic #metaljourney #paradiselost
#WarAgainstAll is a great closer for my #Immortal #Metaljourney
I caught myself slightly banging my head while working.
Also, I really liked Nordlandihr. I can't recall another instrumental song by Immortal.
Final ranking:
1. At The Heart Of Winter 4
2. All Shall Fall 3,5
3. War Against All 3,5
4. Northern Chaos Gods 3,5
5. Sons Of Northern Darkness 3,5
6. DamnedInBlack 3,5
7. Pure Holocaust 3
8. Blizzard Beasts 2,5
9. Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism 2,5
10. Battles in the North 1,5
#metaljourney #immortal #waragainstall