Today's animals from Glasgow's architecture are these dolphinfish supporting a lamp on the Kelvin Way Bridge on the west end of the city.
#glasgow #architecture #bridges #streetlight #dolphinfish #metalwork #streetfurniture #kelvinway #animalsinarchitecture
#animalsinarchitecture #kelvinway #streetfurniture #metalwork #dolphinfish #streetlight #bridges #architecture #glasgow
Decorative metalwork on the Albert Bridge in Glasgow. Built in 1868 to a design by Bell and Miller, it's the only substantial wrought-iron arched bridge in Scotland.
#glasgow #bridges #architecture #metalwork #ironwork #decorativemetalwork
#albertbridge #decorativemetalwork #ironwork #metalwork #architecture #bridges #glasgow
Lion's foot leg on the bottom of a cast iron lamp outside the Royal Scottish Automobile Club building on Blytheswood Square in Glasgow.
I would imagine if you stripped off all the layers of thick black paint which have been added over the years, the underlying sculpture would look much more detailed and crisp.
#glasgow #ironwork #metalwork #lionsfoot #design #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #design #lionsfoot #metalwork #ironwork #glasgow
Love these railings I came across in the west end of Glasgow today. They're an eye-catching design and I haven't yet seen it elsewhere in the city.
#glasgow #railings #metalwork #ironwork #design #architecture #streetfurniture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #streetfurniture #architecture #design #ironwork #metalwork #railings #glasgow
While at a family dinner the other night, eldest child mentioned they didn't have a full size axe (they're nearly 30! Who that age doesn't have an axe?) and has been cutting wood for the bbq with a hatchet.
I of course said I could make them one.
Today, I checked my axe-eye drift against a full size axe, and it is too small (good for hatchets though); so it was off to the stock pile to see what I had to make a new drift.
I settled on some cultivator tine springs. They're about 40mm x 20mm in size, and made of presumably spring steel. Whatever it is, it takes a LOT of effort to forge it. I'm buggered, and I've only got it in a rough shape.
#blacksmith #metalwork
I love this taxi lamp outside the Corinthian Club on Ingram Street in Glasgow, but it has always slightly confused me as to why it's there.
#glasgow #architecture #designdetail #metalwork #ironwork #lamp #streetfurniture #ingramstreet #corinthianclub
#corinthianclub #ingramstreet #streetfurniture #lamp #ironwork #metalwork #designdetail #architecture #glasgow
Bootscarpers of Pollokshields in Glasgow.
These pieces of street furniture would have once been found at the entrance to most town houses and many tenement closes. You can still find them outside buildings across the city, but the design in the bottom left is not one I've seen elsewhere. Thanks to Harjam10 on Twitter for bringing it to my attention.
#glasgow #pollokshields #streetfurniture #bootscrapers #ironwork #metalwork
#metalwork #ironwork #bootscrapers #streetfurniture #Pollokshields #glasgow
Where my Ooni Koda pizza oven reminds me that hacks are often failed experiments.
Tonight is #Hitchin #Hackspace open evening! Doors open from 19:30. All welcome. Come and meet our members, find out what we have to offer, see the cool kit we have.
If you are interested in #making #crafting #RaspberryPi #arduino #electronics #LaserCutting #CNC #Metalwork #woodwork #3dprinting #tinkering or #repair why not pay us a visit?
Free tea, coffee and a biscuit or two.
#hitchin #hackspace #making #crafting #raspberrypi #arduino #electronics #Lasercutting #cnc #metalwork #woodwork #3dprinting #tinkering #repair
Ornate lamp featuring the Glasgow Coat of Arms over the entrance to a tenement close in the Strathbungo area of the city.
Such lamps usually signify that an occupant of a building is (if there's two) or once was (if there's just one) the Lord Provost of Glasgow.
#glasgoe #tenement #strathbungo #metalwork #lamp #coatofarms #glasgowcoatofarms #lordprovost
#lordprovost #glasgowcoatofarms #coatofarms #lamp #metalwork #strathbungo #tenement #glasgoe
Love this piece of decorative metalwork on an old Bank of Scotland building by Shawlands Cross in Glasgow.
#glasgow #shawlands #metalwork #thistles #bankofscotland #designdetail #architecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #architecture #designdetail #bankofscotland #thistles #metalwork #shawlands #glasgow
There's also some very impressive guilded metalwork on the front elevation of 90 Saint Vincent Street in Glasgow. As far as I can work out, this was part of Campbell's origibal 1908 design.
#glasgow #metalwork #designdetail #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #designdetail #metalwork #glasgow
Below is a list of all of the hashtags I'm following. If any sound interesting to you, you can click through to find recent posts using that tag.
#sillycuratorprompts #fiberart #pottery #maille #beading #knitting #felting #woodwork #metalwork #glass #leatherwork #needlework #knotting #carving #gamedev #penplotter #PixelArt #sketchbook #calligraphy #embroideryart #woodengraving #lasercutting #sewing #stitching #todayilearned #til #MySCA #minecraft #LaserEngraving
Ornate ironwork lamp outside the former Saint Andew's Hall on Granville Street in Glasgow. This building was designed by James Sellars and was built in 1877. It burned down in 1962, and only the facade remains. It is now part of the Mitchell Library.
#glasgow #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #ironwork #metalwork #streetlamp
#streetfurniture #streetlamp #metalwork #ironwork #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgow
On a side note, if you look closely at news footage, you'll see that the bootscrapers at the entrance to 10 Downing Street (where the UK Prime Minister lives) are almost identical to the one in the top middle photograph.
#glasgow #ironwork #bootscraper
#design #architecture #designdetail #parkcircus #10downingstreet
#10downingstreet #ParkCircus #designdetail #architecture #design #metalwork #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgow
Bootscrapers of Park Circus in the west end of Glasgow. Bootscrapers are very basic, functional item of metalwork, but I love all the different ways they've been made to look a bit more fancy. These have presumably been individually selected from a catelogue of designs by the first residents of each building.
#glasgow #ironwork #bootscraper
#design #architecture #designdetail #parkcircus
#ParkCircus #designdetail #architecture #design #metalwork #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgow
Alexander 'Greek' Thomson Street Lamp standard on Queen's Drive on the south side of Glasgow. I love the details on the metalwork on this. Very typically 'Greek' Thomson. I wonder how many people walk past this each day without even realising what it is?
#glasgow #alexandergreekthomson #metalwork #streetfurniture #lamppost #architecture #design #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail #queensdrive #queenspark
#queenspark #queensdrive #designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #design #architecture #lamppost #streetfurniture #metalwork #alexandergreekthomson #glasgow
Getting a Close-Up View of Chip Formation with an SEM - When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when you’ve got... - #electronmicroscope #chipformation #metalwork #shearzone #science #carbide #chips #sem
#sem #chips #carbide #science #shearzone #metalwork #chipformation #electronmicroscope