It *did not* occur to me until just now that Kris Nova the BlueSky investor was also the Kris Nova that owned & maintained the popular Mastodon/Fediverse server
Hachyderm io is quite populated. It will be important I think for a not insignificant number of people to watch what happens next.
#metamastodon #fediverseNews #condolences
At my kid's Lego League, and the school wifi blocks Fb and the fowl app, but not federated Mastodon servers! #metamastodon
If you live in the SF Bay Area, and are on some generic server, may I suggest migrating to
I enjoy being on a local/regional server, as when I click to 'local,' there are often posts meaningful to me!
(Migrating servers is pretty straightforward, and you won't lose your follows or followers.
Never done one of these icebreaker posts on twitter but nevertheless gonna give it a shot here. #metamastodon #theysaidtousehashtags
#metamastodon #theysaidtousehashtags
"Drama is a word used by folks who have the luxury of opting out."
#moderation #metamastodon #antiracism #dramaqueen
What is a good size for a post/toot?
In terms of attention, I notice that sometimes I read long posts >1000 chars when I decided for some reason to go for it - expecting sth I want to know.
But in my typical serendipity mode, I will likely not read anything >800 chars.
Really seeing the repeated toots a lot more often since @jemaleddin pointed it out. Friend boosts, I see, maybe I boost, another friend sees and boosts, I see again, and so on. Not a trivial problem—do we wanna see when something we caught early goes 🔥? How else to keep from repeating popular toots? Anyone know of a client app looking at this?
Really seeing the repeated toots a lot more often since @jemaleddin pointed it out. Friend boosts, I see, maybe I boost, another friend sees and boosts, I see again, and so on. Not a trivial problem—do we wanna see when something we caught early goes 🔥? How else to keep from repeating popular toots? Anyone know of a client app looking at this?
"Decentralizing Platform Power: A Design Space of Multi-level
Governance in Online Social Platforms" - an interesting comparison of governance on various social media platforms
#metaMastodon #socialMediaGovernance
#socialmediagovernance #metamastodon
Mastodon - also a band i really like. I wonder if they are on here? #mastodon #metamastodon
hm. die timeline hier würde für mich nur funktionieren, wenn ich mir eine oder mehrere listen bastele. vor allem aber fehlen mir die #hashtag s bei allen gedanken- & thema-toots. #mastodonia #metamastodon
#hashtag #mastodonia #metamastodon
I've made 1006 tweets on my 1.5 year old Twitter account.
Already made 224 posts on this Mastodon account after having it for merely 16 days. Yet I'm enjoying this so much more, once again, the feeling of community triumps algorithms designed to engage.
#Mastodon #Twitter #TwitterMigration #MetaMastodon #FediVerse #Algorithms
#algorithms #Fediverse #metamastodon #twittermigration #Twitter #Mastodon
@Androo @faithfulpundit What Androo said: the big influx of users is slamming the community-run servers. Images and videos are heavy, so, it's better to use a third party service and the server will generate a preview or embed it. There are no ads, so there isn't a revenue stream to pay for the infrastructure.
Consider donating to your server! #MetaMastodon #Mastodon #Media #MastodonServers
#mastodonservers #media #mastodon #metamastodon
Er d ikke utrolig kult å tenke på at _europeisk_ some som mastodon sprer seg og tar imot til og med _amerikanske_ migranter_!
For en europeist som meg, er d 😊😊😊
Shout out til alle admin
og en spesiell til @SnabelAdmin 👏👏👏
dere er råe!
I have set up a test instance using GoToSocial (i haven't touched RoR in 10 years...) and things are... interesting. I will probably tear it down and set it up on a PVS, rather than my home server, but it is quite enjoyable getting to understand so many new concepts, and realizing that this is not that far away from setting up a WordPress server, and connect to a webring :P
#metamastodon #experimenting #gotosocial
sehe ich das richtig, dass es in der lokalen zeitleiste und der startseitenleiste keine "clear"-funktion gibt, um gesehene tröts auszublenden? [bei den mitteilungen geht das, in den anderen spalten nicht.] [ich kenne das von tweetdeck bzw. tweeten und finde es sehr praktisch.] #metamastodon
CWs are not censorship.
Though on the other hand: Asking for CW's from complete strangers can be a social faux pas though. As can the flip situation of *demanding* for *no* CW's.
Interacting in social contexts means encountering differing social norms, like it or not. Differing preferences. Human beings are not one-size-fits-all, obviously.
(This toot intentionally un-CW'ed.)