“The #UMass Amherst team were surprised to find that the device, which comprised an array of microscopic tubes, or #nanowires, was producing an electrical signal regardless.
Each nanowire was less than one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair, wide enough that an airborne water molecule could enter, but so narrow it would bump around inside the tube. Each bump, the team realised, lent the material a small #charge, and as the frequency of bumps increased, one end of the tube became differently charged from the other. ‘So it’s really like a battery,’”
#HygroElectricity / #power / #signals / #nanowires / #MetaMaterials / #uap
#umass #nanowires #charge #hygroelectricity #power #signals #metamaterials #uap
“The #UMass Amherst team were surprised to find that the device, which comprised an array of microscopic tubes, or #nanowires, was producing an electrical signal regardless.
Each nanowire was less than one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair, wide enough that an airborne water molecule could enter, but so narrow it would bump around inside the tube. Each bump, the team realised, lent the material a small #charge, and as the frequency of bumps increased, one end of the tube became differently charged from the other. ‘So it’s really like a battery,’”
#HygroElectricity / #power / #signals / #nanowires / #MetaMaterials /#uap
#umass #nanowires #charge #hygroelectricity #power #signals #metamaterials
“The #UMass Amherst team were surprised to find that the device, which comprised an array of microscopic tubes, or #nanowires, was producing an electrical signal regardless.
Each nanowire was less than one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair, wide enough that an airborne water molecule could enter, but so narrow it would bump around inside the tube. Each bump, the team realised, lent the material a small #charge, and as the frequency of bumps increased, one end of the tube became differently charged from the other. ‘So it’s really like a battery,’”
#HygroElectricity / #power / #signals / #nanowires / #MetaMaterials
#umass #nanowires #charge #hygroelectricity #power #signals #metamaterials
Big room-temperature #superconductor news if true:
• https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12037
• https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtVjGWpbE7k
#science #ScienceNews #metamaterials #LK99 #superconductivity
Of course the only legit above-freezing superconductor I know is this one. Red-hot, actually: https://songwhip.com/rush/superconductor
#Rush #RockMusic #ProgRock #ProgressiveRock #ClassicRock #music
#superconductor #science #sciencenews #metamaterials #lk99 #superconductivity #rush #rockmusic #progrock #progressiverock #classicrock #music
Wait till you read about how in ‘59 the properties of #Nitinol were discovered?
“One of the systems, nickel-titanium alloy, immediately exhibited considerably more [fatigue-, impact-, and heat-resistance] than the other eleven alloys. … In 1959 Buehler...named [this nickel-titanium alloy] NITINOL (Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory). That same year he made an observation about [NITINOL] that hinted at the extraordinary, but still undiscovered, property of Nitinol. I distinctly remember my very exciting discovery of the acoustic damping change with temperature change near room temperature.”
#uap / #MetaMaterials / #Nickel /. #Titanium <https://www.scasd.org/cms/lib/PA01000006/Centricity/Domain/1489/The%20Story%20of%20Nitinol.pdf>
#nitinol #uap #metamaterials #nickel #titanium
Wait till you read about how in ‘59 the properties of #Nitinol were discovered?
“One of the systems, nickel-titanium alloy, immediately exhibited considerably more [fatigue-, impact-, and heat-resistance] than the other eleven alloys. … In 1959 Buehler...named [this nickel-titanium alloy] NITINOL (Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory). That same year he made an observation about [NITINOL] that hinted at the extraordinary, but still undiscovered, property of Nitinol. I distinctly remember my very exciting discovery of the acoustic damping change with temperature change near room temperature.”
#uap / #MetaMaterials / #Nickel /#Titanium <https://www.scasd.org/cms/lib/PA01000006/Centricity/Domain/1489/The%20Story%20of%20Nitinol.pdf>
#nitinol #uap #metamaterials #nickel
Wait till you read about how in ‘59 the properties of #Nitinol were uncovered?
“One of the systems, nickel-titanium alloy, immediately exhibited considerably more [fatigue-, impact-, and heat-resistance] than the other eleven alloys. … In 1959 Buehler...named [this nickel-titanium alloy] NITINOL (Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory). That same year he made an observation about [NITINOL] that hinted at the extraordinary, but still undiscovered, property of Nitinol. I distinctly remember my very exciting discovery of the acoustic damping change with temperature change near room temperature.”
#uap / #MetaMaterials / #Nickel /#Titanium <https://www.scasd.org/cms/lib/PA01000006/Centricity/Domain/1489/The%20Story%20of%20Nitinol.pdf>
#nitinol #uap #metamaterials #nickel
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-physicists-metamaterials-built-in-frustration-mechanical.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-06-physicists-metamaterials-built-in-frustration-mechanical.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1669002269197565953#m
Physicists design #metamaterials with built-in frustration for mechanical memory @UvA_Amsterdam @nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06022-7 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-physicists-metamaterials-built-in-frustration-mechanical.html
No A/C? No problem, if buildings copy networked tunnels of termite mounds - Enlarge / Part of the system of reticulated tunnels (egress complex) of... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1942139 #materialsscience #metamaterials #termitemounds #architecture #biomimicry #entomology #science #biology
#biology #science #entomology #biomimicry #architecture #termitemounds #metamaterials #materialsscience
Ars Technica: No A/C? No problem, if buildings copy networked tunnels of termite mounds https://arstechnica.com/?p=1942139 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #materialsscience #Metamaterials #termitemounds #architecture #biomimicry #entomology #Science #Biology #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #MaterialsScience #metamaterials #termitemounds #architecture #biomimicry #entomology #science #biology
A design framework for programmable mechanical metamaterial: A new open access publication on this topic with the participation of our scientists Sarah Fischer and Michael M. Becker is now available. Congratulations ❗
#weknowhow #fraunhoferizfp #Fraunhofer #designframework #programmable #metamaterials #DAMPING
#weknowhow #fraunhoferizfp #fraunhofer #designframework #programmable #metamaterials #damping
A design framework for programmable mechanical metamaterial: A new open access publication on this topic with the participation of our scientists Sarah Fischer and Michael M. Becker is now available. Congratulations ❗
#weknowhow #fraunhoferizfp #Fraunhofer #designframework #programmable #metamaterials #DAMPING
#weknowhow #fraunhoferizfp #fraunhofer #designframework #programmable #metamaterials #damping
"Optical metamaterials, which are designed to manipulate light, possess structures with repeating patterns at scales that are smaller than the wavelengths of light they influence."
https://spectrum.ieee.org/time-reversal-interface #time #reflections #metamaterials
#time #reflections #metamaterials
The new Tech Pick from Structural Acoustics and Vibration presents an experimental open-source kit designed for teaching the basic concepts of acoustic #metamaterials using a leaky wave antenna.
According to an article published in Nature, It may be possible to engineer buildings with foundations which reduce earthquake damage via the recent science of "metamaterials", or structures designed with carefully shaped patterns which can direct the flows of various forms of energy.
#science #earthquakes #metamaterials
#metamaterials #Earthquakes #Science
#Metamateriales, ¡¿Que?!
:wiki: Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/3U6D0i5
📹 Vídeos de Museo Interactivo Mirador:
Cap. 1: http://bit.ly/3URPdZ0
Cap. 2: http://bit.ly/3UUZnIu
Cap. 3: http://bit.ly/3TPKhTg
📄 Min. de Defensa de España: http://bit.ly/3XeBg99
📹 Webinar Metamateriales acústicos: http://bit.ly/3XfXRSH
📄 Metamateriales fotónicos: http://bit.ly/3OkyFGu
🔗 Mi director y compañero tiene extensas publicaciones sobre metamateriales acústicos: Conferencias: http://bit.ly/3tIbJYj y Artículos: http://bit.ly/3AxnJ2O
#Investigación #Research #Divulgación #Ciencia #Metamaterials #openscience #OpenAccess
#metamateriales #investigacion #research #divulgacion #ciencia #metamaterials #openscience #openaccess
RT @MetamaterialsUK
Massive congratulations to our Advisory Board member Prof. Nader Engheta on being awarded the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award in Electrical Engineering 2023 for his pioneering work on novel electromagnetic #metamaterials. Well done Nader! 👏👏👏 https://twitter.com/NaderEngheta/status/1617975355050196992
The new Tech Pick from Structural Acoustics and Vibration presents an experimental open-source kit designed for teaching the basic concepts of acoustic #metamaterials using a leaky wave antenna.
Free for a limited time!
Looking for an introduction to a particular #acoustics topic? From Acoustic #Metamaterials to Underwater #Hearing, there is an AT Collection for you! As with all material in Acoustics Today, each article listed on AT Collection page is open access from back issues of the magazine.
#hearing #metamaterials #acoustics
Eine neue open-access Publikation mit Beteiligung unserer Wissenschaftlerin Sarah Fischer wurde erfolgreich veröffentlicht. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
A new open access publication with the participation of our scientist Sarah Fischer has been successfully published. Congratulations!
#Weknowhow #fraunhoferizfp #fraunhofer #additivemanufacturing #metamaterials @mdpi
#weknowhow #fraunhoferizfp #fraunhofer #additivemanufacturing #metamaterials