#Metamath's compressed proof format uses a mixed radix system with base-20 for the least significant digit and base 5 for any other digit allowing a sequence of counting numbers to be represented with a sequence of the letters A through Y, with Z reserved for use as a marker value.
The sequence of numbers can then be processed as instructions to manipulate the proof stack, generating each step of the proof from external theorems and axioms, with explicit variable substitutions.
RT @madprofessah
Come to Providence this summer and hang out with me and others like @mathprofcarrie @vindas_melendez while thinking and learning about using math to highlight, quantify, and model equities in STEM! #metamath https://twitter.com/siwelwerd/status/1644374746832977922
@andrejbauer Although the style of the post I'm replying to befits its publication date, it has inspired me to prove the following https://github.com/metamath/set.mm/pull/3114 which complements existing similar proofs for ordinal trichotomy, regularity, the axiom of choice, the subset of a finite set being finite, and others. #constructiveMathematics #metamath
#constructivemathematics #metamath
Also, Gottlob Frege, Begriffsschrift (1879).
Also, https://us.metamath.org/index.html
Also, https://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dulrich/Description-of-condensed-detachment.htm
#logic #metamath #condenseddetachment
I drafted a grammar for the most frequently used parts of the Metamath language. What's nice about doing this in GraphViz is that each node and edge has corresponding code in a parser implementation.
Oh and please boost the post at the top of this thread if you think people would be interested. I'm not sure how many math-interested people follow the #metamath or #constructiveMathematics tags.
#metamath #constructivemathematics
I proved the ratio test for IZF in #metamath ! I knew this would be different in #constructiveMathematics because of the need to show how fast the series converges, but on the whole once I proved a basic convergence theorem based on a fixed rate of convergence, I have found that a lot of our convergence results work just like they did with excluded middle. (will put links in a reply to this message).
#metamath #constructivemathematics
Why would you prove theorems in a computer-checkable format? Without one, if you publish a proof it takes highly skilled experts a year to figure out whether your proof is correct (if you are credible enough that they'll bother). With one, the computer is checking each step of the proof and the humans only need to compare what you prove with what you claim to have proved. #Math #metamath https://us.metamath.org/index.html