I wonder whether people who don't block #Threads instances will (eventually) be able to follow #Instagram people and see Instagram posts without an Instagram account.
And I wonder whether that would be a net improvement for people who didn't want to have an Instagram account in the first place, and only do so they can follow people.
I expect if so, it'll only be while Meta tries to convert people in the other direction. Maybe private posts still need an account. Idk.
All of these servers pre-blocking Meta are going to feel silly when they realize that federation with Meta will be strictly opt-in, not opt-out.
A custom AP integration which means that unless you opt-in to federation (and revenue sharing if you allow ads to be displayed) then you’re not even going to know that they are here.
Blocking instances who do federate with Meta? Didn’t realize so many of you had that institutional rule for your communities. 💯
Different people want different things for the Fediverse. In fact, there is already a schism over basic human decency (and it's a good thing; the likes of Gab absolutely shouldn't be welcomed by most). There is a very real racism problem where many people's idea of "nice" tends to push out non-white participants. And there are also some usability issues, where tech-savvy users (myself included) don't acknowledge or address UX concerns because we can easily work around them, ultimately excluding those wit different skillsets to our own detriment.
For everyone saying that the Twitter migration "failed" or that we must accept federation with Meta because they will bring enormous numbers of users and/or the mythical "mainstream acceptance," I think there's a serious basic disagreement that goes unspoken. Most of these people seem to define success as growth and/or reaching some arbitrary large scale (sometimes while also pointing out the technical roadblocks to that). But I think a lot of others (myself somewhat included) see success as meeting existing users' needs for information and social connection, and reject a growth/death dichotomy.
"Mastodon will never be big enough to be a competitor to Twitter or Facebook unless we federate with Meta." is just not a convincing argument to me, because "being big enough" is not a goal I care about (do remember my above disclaimers about inclusion here; my stance is not "works for me, no improvements needed"). In fact, I think that federating with Meta will be a fatal mistake for those that do it in terms of the goals I care about, even if it leads to more growth for those servers (and that's even without assuming a full EEE outcome).
I'd like the fediverse to be more inclusive, and to attract a broader audience in terms of technical ability and cultures, but I don't think it needs to grow exponentially to do that, and I think that either explicitly or implicitly viewing growth/scale as a necessity is harmful, as it tends to push out a lot of other priorities.
“I can’t personally see a strong argument against allowing for server admins to decide for themselves whether they want to enable advertising in order to cover infrastructure costs”
He said, "I'm gonna buy this place and watch it fall
Stand here beside me, baby, in the crumbling walls"
Oh, I'm gonna buy this place and start a fire
He said, "I'm gonna buy this place and burn it down
I'm gonna put it six feet underground"
Here’s an easy one for y’all to break down. (yes, we’re building to the climax…but just as with a lover, slow and steady is the best).
Has tooters.org experienced defederation issues with an instance that has signed an NDA?
Yes, but it’s not the one you’re thinking of. #Stuxtaposition
#MetaMeta (🌎)
“Then it’s likely you’ve been manipulated by disgruntled employees.”
I’ve known these people for years, two of them before they worked at FB/IG…so, no. I am entirely certain I am being told the truth, or I wouldn’t be sharing it on here with the strongest of convictions.
…and I haven’t even begun discussing Rochko yet.
#MetaMeta (🌎)
Related, I have compiled a list of all the people on the fediverse that Meta/Insta gives a shit about:
#MetaMeta (🌎)
Who would have ever guessed in the year 2023 that having multiple friends who work at Meta and Instagram would be personally relevant to my life.
#MetaMeta (🌎)
Me: your definition of assistance is serving ads, and keeping a majority of the money…cutting off a small slice to keep an instance with 70k users online so you can continue serving those ads.
Insta 👸🏻: My definition? No smart ass! Is it Meta’s definition? ✔️✔️
I feel you and agree but now I wait to see if you’re surprised.
Me: Nope.
#MetaMeta (🌎)
Me: so how have these conversations been going in large part? The admins you’ve spoken to are saying fuck off, willing to listen, fully onboard?
Insta 👸🏻: the fuck offs came first but the ones who stayed in the conversation believe we have struck a good balance between respecting users and offering operators assistance in keeping them online for the long term.
#MetaMeta (🌎)
“Donations can’t cut it long term and people will wake up to the reality of the situation.”
The reality is that if instances were kept below ~5,000 users (or smaller, preferably) then getting in bed with a company who has proven to be the definition of disgusting privacy invasion with their ad/tracking/thumbprinting stack would be unnecessary.
Don’t worry, your “user” count will decrease, I’m sure of it. 😉
#MetaMeta (🌎)
Should the subtle hints be more direct now?
Getting caught has made me think it over
And it told me that you're never coming back here again
We've been doing things the same way for so long
That it took me aback
But I don't think I'll ever hear that sad song again
#MetaMeta (🌎)
I sat back I put my neckshirt on
Resigned myself to the fate of the failed and the conned
He said, "I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
Oh, and I'm gonna buy this place, is what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head"
#MetaMeta (🌎)
#RochkoTheBoat (don’t tip the boat over)