Holy krap…I gotta go there.
The foliation is beyond #gneiss
#gneiss #geology #metamorphic #rocks
#ThatsSoMeta #Rocks #Geology
#Metamorphic #Oregon
Applegate Group rocks exposed in Elliott Creek south of Applegate Lake in Southern Oregon.
Metasedimentary rocks, greenschist to amphibolite facies, quartz and mica schists and phyllites, metaquartzite.
A beautiful area with some of the most complex geology. Often, lithology changes every few dozen meters and mostly covered by old growth vegetation in steep terrain.
The result of continental accretion in the Paleozoic to Jurassic.
#thatssometa #rocks #geology #metamorphic #oregon
Some photos from a hike yesterday on the Big Horn Mine trail in the San Gabriel Mountains, CA. The trail follows the Vincent Thrust fault. The photos are all on the 'hanging wall' (uphill) side of the trail. These are some of the oldest exposed rocks in California. #geology #metamorphic
I HAD to bring this gorgeous Norwegian #rock face with me from the bird site :)
This rock face was likely #gneiss, a foliated #metamorphic rock where light minerals and dark minerals form in alternating bands due to high heat and pressure. This rock was further complexly folded and refolded during continental collisions and mountain building.
The rock face also has an unusual & beautiful texture caused by the more erodible bands partially eroding.
More here: https://the-geophysicist.com/caledonian-folding-in-saltstraumen